View Full Version : onions

21-03-10, 08:51
Hi all. I am new here so I thought I would introduce myself.
I am age 30 and I have only had panic attacks sporadically over the years, perhaps one every few months. This week though has been awful , I have been having many attakcs and am in constant fear of having another. My symptoms have been scary and horrible :(
I hope to find some help here.

21-03-10, 08:54
Hi iris333

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-03-10, 08:57
I have just read the symptoms and causes and it is good to know that what I have been experiencing is actually a panic attack and I am not losing my mind, or am I??
My heart is racing as I type this and my hands are beginning to shake. I wonder why I have just started with more panics this week :weep:

21-03-10, 09:32
no your not loosing your mind ,, its your adrelin gland producing ,, witch makes us on high alert ,, then we get panic its the nature of this illness hope this helps

21-03-10, 13:51
What does your title "onions" mean?
Myra x

21-03-10, 13:54
I wondered that too...

Welcome to NMP anyway!

21-03-10, 17:37
I was wondering about that too :huh:
Welcome to NMP :welcome:

21-03-10, 17:43
When I saw "onions" I thought I was going to read about some magical cure for anxiety! I was ready to run for the onion bin!:D


21-03-10, 17:59
When I saw "onions" I thought I was going to read about some magical cure for anxiety! I was ready to run for the onion bin!:D

Suppose onion-breath would be better than anxiety...

21-03-10, 18:20
Suppose onion-breath would be better than anxiety...
I'll take onion breath -- even garlic breath instead of anxiety!:D

We could just invest in a lifetime supply of Scope!

21-03-10, 18:33
I thought that maybe onions had been discovered to be a cure for anxiety. I will try anything!
I hope Iris 333 is not going to be offended by any of this :unsure:

21-03-10, 19:18
What does your title "onions" mean?
It was just to get your attention!

21-03-10, 20:33
Hello Iris,
Sorry, but you wouldn't need to put "onions" to get people's attention on nmp. We are a caring, friendly bunch of people, who are always willing to try and give some support.
Myra x