View Full Version : Wisdom tooth worry, is this normal?

21-03-10, 14:08
At the very back on right side of my mouth, where last wisdom tooth would come through the gum has swollen up all raised up (not hugely but def more raised than usual). This only happened yesterday. It isnt intensely painful its only ever so slightly painful if I press the swelling with my finger and feels weird to eat. Im assuming this is just me er teething my wisdom tooth right?

Im wondering is this how wisdom teeth feel coming through? The gum isnt bright red, its normal pink, so assume isnt an abcess or a proper swelling caused by an impacted tooth or anything is it? I had a filling done last September and my dentist took xrays of my mouth an said the filling I needed was the only thing wrong, and assume he would have pointed out wisdom teeth that were growing under gum at wrong angle to come through wouldnt he???? Surely?

Plus I saw a dentist just two weeks ago, regarding a procedure on front of my mouth, and he never mentioned anything.

21-03-10, 17:04
Just sounds like you are cutting your wisdom tooth Louise.....nothing abnormal in this. Yes it feels like you describe. XX

21-03-10, 18:00
I got this once when one of my top teeth was rubbing on the lower gum making it inflamed. Nothing to worry about though

21-03-10, 18:32
I can now see what looks like a small whiteish patch on one of the corners of the swelling, not sure if this is a aprt of my tooth just below gum or the gum preparing to be orn apart my the tooth coming through, or whether this sounds like some sort of indication the swelling is an abcess or cyst!

So scared its an abcess!!!! but I dont know what an abcess should look like/feel like? The gum feels squishy when I press it in.

21-03-10, 20:57
It sounds exactly like a wisdom tooth coming through. If it were an abcess you'd know about it! Try a salt water mouthwash, half a teaspoonful in a cup of warm water every few hours.

21-03-10, 22:19
Pain has got worse, and so has the white patch, actually looks fluid filled and squidgy now. Am worried cos have been reading if ure wisdom teeth arent thru by the time ure 26 (mt age!) then theyre considered stuck. I have my top wisdom teeth but not bottom. and the website said that the tooth being stuck can cause things like abcesses and cysts!!! this is starting to seem more like could be one!

Soooo scared now!!! I dont want to have to have my gum/jaw cut into to get the tooth out, im majorly phobic and dont think I could cope!!

21-03-10, 23:40
argh if is a cyst have read can need surgical removal, i thought id just get antibiotics!!!!

22-03-10, 00:28
[QUOTE=louise123_uk;have been reading if ure wisdom teeth arent thru by the time ure 26 (mt age!) then theyre considered stuck.

This isnt strictly true- wisdom teeth can come through at any age. It has been known for them to emerge in your 60s believe it or not.

I have my top wisdom teeth but not bottom. and the website said that the tooth being stuck can cause things like abcesses and cysts!!!

Not everybody has wisdom teeth and if they are present and stay in the gum, it does not mean they will cause problems.

Im 26 and have both upper wisdom teeth in the gum which are not likely to emerge due to lack of room. I have no lowers. Neither are likely to cause problems.

22-03-10, 00:35
I hope this puts your mind at ease. If in doubt, speak to your dentist.

Take care xx

22-03-10, 11:14
I had an infection is my gum a few times and my face swelled up. Because I didn't want to take antibiotics I swished my mouth out 3 times a day with Corsodyl mouthwash and the infection was gone within a couple of days

23-03-10, 22:44
The swelling has gone down and the yellow/white pus like patch has gone, and now theres a hole in my gum!!!!!! oh my lord I have no idea what this is!!! No tooth coming through that I can see, just a hole!

Im going to make an appointment at dentist tomorrow am freaking out so much Im shaking! Ive never heard of anything like this!

23-03-10, 22:59
Louise I have all 4 wisdom teeth but none of them are fully grown out. The whole is because the wisdom tooth is below it growing to come out.I had this, if it were something wrong then you would really know!At uni i had wisdom tooth infection, sorted out with a course of antibiotics.Nothing too major, plus your right with any work needed on wisdom teeth is now done in the hospital i.e anaestesia (think i spelt it wrong).Don't worry too much, i know thats hard for you but try to relax because there is nothing abnormal here! xxxx

23-03-10, 23:04
Thanks for your reply.

Well apart from shock at the hole what Im worrying about is having to have the tooth out (though i really cant see a tooth). This is something i catergorically do not want at all costs!! Could it really just be antibiotics I need?

I have had some dental work done recently but only cos they could do it in the dentists surgery under conscious sedation, I just couldnt agree to general anasthetic, and having to have sumthin done in a hospital is my worst nightmare!!!

Soooo hoping its nothing, it doesnt necessarily sound like it would have to come out does it??

Good things is theres no pain now! So that must be a good sign, and the gum is a healthy normal pink.

24-03-10, 01:52
if your wisdom tooth is coming through there is supposed to be a hole.
mine have been coming through for years, Ive been told a million times i need them out but I'm afraid to go to hospital!
so I'm sure you would have been told if there was not enough from for them to grow safely

24-03-10, 12:06
Well not 100percent sure is my wisdom tooth, but the hole is on the top of the gum right where Id be expecting it to make an appearance. Theres some room, but not sure room for a whole molar to come through....... Argh cant get in at dentists till tomorrow. They initially told me end of month or see another dentist but Im incredibly phobic of the dentist so since I trust this one seeing another dentist would just get me more scared, so I asked the receptionist to talk to him and hes agreed to see me during his lunch tomorrow lol.

In a way im hoping it is my wisdom tooth as at least thismeans the hole is normal and not my gums just getting random holes which sounds very scary. Worried if what I had was an infection its eating away at my gum or something!! But then if it is my wisdom tooth I cant see any little points sticking up through my gum so im worried the tooth is stuck and cant push itself up, and I sooooo am NOT having it out, having wisdom teeth out sounds utterly horrendous, both in terms of a hospital visit (not happening), anasthetic (again not happening), and the mad recovery afterwards that leaves you unable to open your mouth fully for a week or so!!!!

Ive never had a hospital operation and know now that I couldnt cope with this, im only just able to walk into a dentists surgery without a panic attack, theres no way id willingly get into a car and walk into a hospital unless I thought I had something that could kill me!

25-03-10, 08:36
wow, i hope your dentist sees you and puts your mind at rest today! My final wisdom tooth came through age 35. It hurt like hell for three days, did everything you described but with more pain! I self-prescribed Mcdonald's milk shakes for the pain...worked like a dream. I put on 3 stone though...lol :D

25-03-10, 14:54
Seen my dentist, and it is my wisdom tooth starting to come through (poor guy, I alwys have so many questions for him, and hes endlessly patient and smiley lol). They dont know if it will come through anymore or not though, and in the meantime Il probs get more infections, given that thers a hole in my gum. Theyre just going to monitor how many infections I get (they expect at least a couple in next few months) but If I get more infections than this they may consider taking the tooth out. He said that they have the facilities to take wisdom teeth out at the dentists I attend (so no hospital!) plus apparently its very rare to need general anasthetic for wisdom teeth out, most have just local anasthetic. He seemed to think general ansthetic was just something hospitals seemed to gravitate to but that theres no need at all. I can have IV conscious sedation (its fab stuff) to go with the local anasthetic (as I do when they do anything to me, even a filling!).

Am much calmer, thanks for all the support xx

Just a word on dentists, i had a series of awful dentists for sooo long when I was younger, one told me to bloody just sit down and open my mouth when I was scared, one that told me I was stupid for acting the way I did and another just used to laugh at how scared I was. Plus, I had a very traumatic experience having teeth out when I was 8, which was messed up by a very rubbish dentist.

I now have the most patient dentist imaginable, who takes everything I say seriously no matter how mad it all sounds, and books in extra long appointments so he can take the time to listen to me and talk to me before he looks at my teeth or does anything. Plus, I have no idea why all dentists dont use conscious sedation for procedures such as fillings/extractions/surgery for anxious patients, as it really is fab, no side effects of coming round from anasthetic e.g. you can walk out the surgery pretty much 30mins after the procedure and are completely fine, but the same benefit in that you know nothing about the procedure whilst theyre doing it, but your still in control of everything as your awake and can respond to commands. My Dad had an awful dentist recently who wouldnt explain things, and was very abrupt, and also managed to mess up what he was told by abnother dentist should have been a routine filling and a routine extraction!
I think what Ive learnt is you get nice dentists/doctors and bad ones who dont take the time and that we should change dentists/doc as soon as we arent happy with something (I had an awful GP who told me he would have given me a slap long ago if I was his daughter and that would have knocked any silly fear out of me!). I didnt realise there were nice ones out there till I found my current dentist (the practice actually specialises in treating people with fears of the dentist), which prompted me to go through the arduous task of changing doctors. It makes going easier now (though still scared), and I cant believe I can now actually walk into a dentists surgery, I wouldnt have believed it possible this time last year!