View Full Version : clumsiness

21-03-10, 14:09
Does anyone else suffer from clumsiness as a symptom of anxiety? I get the disorientation/giddiness/unreality feelings and I also get really clumsy and often bump into things, perceive depth/distance/weight incorrectly and trip up etc. Anyone else with the same thing?

21-03-10, 17:27
Hi Claire
I have all your symptoms very often even more so when im over anxious, yes it is a symptom of anxiety, i am always bumping into thing feeling off balance ect, its not nice sometimes its very embarrassing for me as i have it so often, my legs always have bruises where i bump into thing.
Ann x

21-03-10, 18:40
Glad I'm not the only one! I often find when I'm walking down the street that I feel that I can't walk straight or keep veering from side to side - I'm sure people think I'm drunk. Oh well, just another one of the many vague feelings that goes with anxiety (and annoyingly makes me more anxious!)x

21-03-10, 18:54
me too claire I'm like that when walking too, it's horrible, I've had this for over a year now, I feel like I'm walking to the side too. Also often when I'm over anxious my legs are wobbly too and it's difficult to walk. Anxiety plays all kinds of tricks ok us.
Ann x