View Full Version : The pill and cervial cancer-scared!

21-03-10, 14:56
Hi, I have had a really bad fear of cervical cancer for over a year now. It's not so bad now, about 8 months ago I got so bad I had actually accepted that I was going to die. Now reading up I hear that the pill can increase risks of all sorts of things including cervical cancer. I've been on the pill for over 6 yrs now, and I'm 24. To be honest-I've never had any problems with it at all. I can predict my periods almost down to the minute, and have never had any symptoms of any kind. However, I read an article on it, and how some experts believe we are 'playing with fire' and it really worried me. Has anyone else been on the pill for a similar amount of time as me or longer? And does anyone know the consequences of such long term use? I've looked it up on the internet, and just get so many mixed messages!
Would be grateful for anyone's input!


BTW I'm 24 and as such cannot have a smear test in the UK until I'm 25

21-03-10, 16:35
The pill gives the slightest raise in risks of cervical cancer. There is only about 9 in 1000 women each year get cervical cancer, after 5 years of being on the pill this only rises to 18 in 1000. Most tests have shown that more people on the pill may get cervical cancer because they are more relaxed with contraception so don't use a condom hence why they have more chance of getting it because of the HPV virus which is got through having unprotected sex.

I've been on the pill for 3 years now (I'm 29) and I'm doing ok. I had the same worries myself so did research and even though there is a slight increase the good thing is being on the pill also cuts the risks massively of getting ovarian and womb cancers.

21-03-10, 20:32
Hi - if you really are worried about cervical cancer, and a smear test would make you feel better, you can do it privately. It costs about 50 pounds. Not cheap...... but might be worth it if it would calm your fears! xx

23-03-10, 08:52
Hi there,

I was on the pill for 6 years (I'm 26) and recently had a lot of symptoms of cervical cancer - but I got the complete all clear on my smear test!

From what I've read, its not so much the pill itself that increases the risk of cervical cancer, but that woman on it are less likely to use condoms and so have a greater chance of contracting the HPV virus.

I bet this scaremongering article you read didn't mention how the pill protects you from the far more deadly Ovarian Cancer did it? Sorry, but the Medias desire to terrify us all the time just makes me :mad:

23-03-10, 10:25

As said above, the main indication for the rise in cervical cancer in women who are on the pill is that they are less likely to use a barrier method of contraception and contract hpv virus which is linked to cervical cancer.

The pill is known to actually protect against other gynacological cancers such as ovarian and uterine cancer.