View Full Version : Stiffening Jaw?

21-03-10, 19:33
For a couple of weeks ive had a problem with my jaw,

Right now it feels really tense and stiff and when i try stretch my mouth out to loosen it it feels tight and weird, it feels tensed up and sometimes it hurts.

Anyone have a clue?

Its worrying. :shrug:

21-03-10, 20:05
Perhaps youve been grinding your teeth whilst asleep ?Its a common problem with anxiety sufferers .It causes the muscles in the jaw to hurt sometimes ..It will go .eventually ..You could get your dentist to make you a mouthgaurd to wear for bed ..it will help stop it .from happening . sue:D

21-03-10, 20:23
I too have this, it also feels like I have to click my jaw, and it aches a lot of the time. I too have been worried about it because I also have a pain in the ear on the same side.

I know what suzy-sue means about the grinding of the teeth, when I check myself I always feel like I have my teeth clenched together and when I loosen the clench it feels great. Just wish I could stop this! I also have a lot of tension in my shoulders and neck so I suppose this all adds to it.

Jannie x x

21-03-10, 20:44
Im the same, i wake up in the night and i am clenching my jaw really tight. I had lots of pain round my jaw and shooting pains up my temples, when i went to the dentist for a routine appointment he asked me if i was stressed as my tongue had these dents round the edges which he said was an exact imprint of my teeth due to me clenching my teeth so tight together.
You can get a mouth guard from the dentist to help if it is getting painful.

24-03-10, 10:40
Im glad im not the only one, thankyou for replying x