View Full Version : watching programmes causes me a panic attack

21-03-10, 22:06
right guys
cant belive how i am feeling this anxiety and panic attacks r really taking my life away i feel terrible cnt shake all these symptoms away.i always feel full of panic like it doesnt end .but about 10mins ago i put stephen gatelys remberance on itv on top watch an the moment i put it on my heart started racing,palms and feet went all sweaty and felt sick i just had to turn it off and go in the kitchen just cnt belive it im feeling so shaky!what happened? why can i not watch anyhtnk on tv its terrible i cannot stop crying how it can do so much to me.i need serious mental help cannot go on i feel such a wreck.... so sorry for going on just the way i feel needed to get it off my chest. xx

21-03-10, 22:14
You aren't alone. You're just very sensitized right now to everything. Unfortunately I am in a similar state. I can't seem to watch the results shows for American Idol this year because the building of tension keeps sending me into anxiety attacks.

I'm trying to work through it with medication, meditation, exercise, etc. The usual tools. I still watch the shows trying to use the time and the feelings of anxiety to practice working through it.

I hope you can get out to get some help. Perhaps there is someone who would come to the house?

Anyway, I just wanted to assure you that what you're feeling isn't unusual. Also, in time it will pass. You won't always be this sensitized to external and internal stimuli.

21-03-10, 22:18
I had this about 18 months ago. For me, it was the sound. I would have the TV on and would end up turning the volume down more and more until it was on mute. After a while, I wasn't able to sit in a room with a TV in it - even when it was switched off. I had to put my TV in the spare bedroom so that I could sit in my living room.

The good news is, I'm ok with it now. As part of CBT I was able to gradually reintroduce it. First with no volume and then gradually until it was back to normal. I thought I was going mad!

Looking back, I think it was a combination of the changes in volume which occur during a programme. At the time, my anxiety was at its highest and this was just one way in which it presented.

Have you seen your GP about your anxiety? There are lots of ways they can help. I've been on Citalopram for 2 years, but I found CBT the most helpful. Would be worth booking an appointment just to prove to yourself that anxiety is treatable.

Hoping you feel better soon.


21-03-10, 22:20
my doctor knows but isnt very sympathetic jus say ANXIETY to everythnk gave me beta blockers which ive been takin 4wks tuesday they do help me with lowering my heart rate but i need somethink else so i get alot of scarey symtpoms , so they gave me prozac which i was on in 09 and helped me while i was on them for 5mnths so i jus hope they will do me gud this time i havent started them yet but i guess i shud feeling this way cnt make me any worse!!im just so terrified of everythnk at the moment think somethink bad will happen tome just cnt get that feeling out of my brain its driving me insane. thanks for replying means alot to me best wishes c.xxx

21-03-10, 22:26
Its all well and good them just giving you meds but you are entitled to proper treatment. Is there another GP you could go to - yours doesn't sound very helpful. You could always ask for a referral to the community mental health team in your area - I hated the sound of it myself, but was so pleased when I was referred. They helped me loads.

21-03-10, 22:53
shortstuff well i was seeing some last yr wen i fought i wqas cured and went to 2 appoitmnts so my doctor told me off the other day for not going to all the appoitments but becos i fought i was doing ok didnt wana go becos it was draggin it all up an didnt wana relapse but now it seems im having one anyway so wish i wud of stayed going!!i didnt even dare ask to b refered again but i will either ring the mental health team myself or brave it an go bk to docs and ask becos i really do need some help i feel awful.thanks so much! she isnt my regular doctor becos i have to take pot luck who i see wen i phone thy arent a very good surgery to b honest only 1 doctor i like he knws what im like an understands,thanks for ur concern in me hugs luv c.xx

Cell block H fan
22-03-10, 13:48
Just as well you didn't watch Jade Goodys program last night then, after they showed the interview of her before she died, explaining the symptoms of her cancer, I started worrying about the smear teast I have been due to have since last year, yet haven't yet! :o(