View Full Version : Worried about my Dad

21-03-10, 22:54
Not sure which is the right forum to post this on... I've suffered from anxiety for about 6 years now, i'm obsessed with My health which i know is HA but also other people's health..

My dad has alway's worried me, he's on the large side but just recently he had some blood tests and they said he was slightly aneamic.Anyway in 2 months he's gone from slightly to severe and has also lost a stone, hasn't excersized or dieted..

The Doc was worried so sent him to see a specialist at the hospital who has said he needs a bone marrow retraction...Even rang the department whilst they were there to get him in soon as poss..His appointment is 19 April thats the earliest they could get him in..Now i know i shouldn't but i've looked up the reasons for a bone marrow test and it al acomes up with Cancer or Leukemia... I've tried to stay strong and pretend it's not happening but today i have just gone to pieces...

What if it is one of the above !!! I don't know how i will be able to deal with it.. I want to be strong for my mum and dad but with the way i am i'm not sure i can...I'm so scared, does anyone have any other idea's why they test the bone marrow ????

22-03-10, 22:29
Hi PP, Can't really add to your thread in diagnosis, but didn't want you to think no-one cared. :hugs: The good thing to remember that with most things its important to get tests & treatment as early as possible. So the fact your GP has got on top of this is good.

It will beat you up especially as you are an anxiety sufferer. Sometimes the trick is to focus so much on helping/supporting those you need to, that you don't have time for your anxiety & fears to dominate you. Obviously that can't be sustained indefinitely but it might be a trick to get through the next few weeks. Also accept that some days you won't be able to deal with it all.

25-03-10, 20:31
Thanks so much for your reply.... I am trying to put all my focus into being strong for my mum and dad..And also like you said i will have days where i can't which is what happened on sunday night i was just watching tv with my hubby and i went to pieces what if's??? x x

25-03-10, 21:12
Focus on the fact that the tests may just be a precaution - which is good. And if they reveal a problem, well it was there already, but untreated. I find the worst problems with the NHS happen because they hate the cost of running tests. So getting tests is good in my book.

As to having a cry (or whatever) well could there have been a better time? You had the sofa, your husband and weren't trying to look after anyone at the time. I often think that a lot of our anxieties grow from suppressing how we feel when its a valid emotion/worry/fear. You're entitled to a bit of upset just like a normal, just don't prejudge the outcome until he's had his test results.

26-03-10, 14:35
You are not alone with your worries about family members. I worry about everyone when I have one of my episodes. It's exhausting and I wish I could put it aside and just enjoy being with them. My particular obsessions are moles (not the furry ones under the ground!) and the thought of anything happening to my immediate family absolutely terrifies me. If any of my family have tests I await the results more anxiously than they do :ohmy: