View Full Version : distressed - :(

22-03-10, 05:33
I have spoken about my chest in the past week, but I am becoming rather distressed about it all.
I have a bad neck and shoulder which given I understand what pain that can cause I do not worry about that because I understand it.
What I do not understand is the following symptoms.
1. Pain in the left shoulder blade
2. Pain around the left chest area, not so much in the middle but around it.

This pain in the shoulder blade is dull and achey ... yet the pain I feel in the chest area can either be dull at times but had now become more intense rather than dull. It comes and goes ... and I know that the back and chest area are all connected etc but really cant get my head around that these feeling are all connected.

Please can someone reassure me, what else could the cause be?

22-03-10, 09:59
if your having pain its best to see the docter if its not going it could be a strained ligAMENT ALWAYS BEST TO MAKE SURE

22-03-10, 22:50
Thanks for your replies.
aimeekid - that is exactly what it is like, dull or achy and also stabby. It is the stabby ones that throw me off.
I haven't had a panic attack since before christmas.
I don't feel overly stressed at the moment so I can't understand why I feel these pains.

23-03-10, 21:34
I had neuro massage yesterday. And she worked the muscles inbetween my ribs and they reproduce the exact symptoms and the shooting pain down the left arm. She said is very common for people to go to hospital have all sorts of tests and if turn out to be tense muscles inbetween the ribs. why dont you get a massage and see what happens.