View Full Version : Can't cope, nothing seems to be working.. Any ideas? Please..

22-03-10, 08:02
I keep having depressive episodes. They usually come on after anxiety/panic attacks but can come on randomly. Psychiatrist has diagnosed me with dysthemia.

I've tried all the coping techniques I know to help with this, distraction, doing happy things, positive things, etc.. but nothing is working. It doesn't help. And I can't take it any more.. I can deal with anxiety but I CANNOT deal with depressive episodes. Every time it happens the hope and happiness fades from me and I want to die to have it over with because it hurts too much.

Im currently on Lexapro 20mg. I'm going to my GP this wednesday to ask for more help but I don't know what else there is aside of benzos. I'm getting put on antipsychotics when I need see my psychiatrist but I can't wait that long. I need help now.

Can anyone please offer me advice? Does anyone go through the same thing and has found a way/medication to cope? I really need help. I'm not giving up or quitting, I'm just at the end of my thread. I need to fix this, each time it happens I go through hell.


22-03-10, 09:17
Hi BabyRachel, I really feel for you at the minute as i have been experiencing something similiar but not quite as extreme (my issue is usually with anxiety only).
I think for the time been its just a matter of sitting tight and waiting until your GP's appointment on Wednesday. I know this is'nt going to be easy but you have the support of us here at NMP to try and help you through until then. Carry on wih the 'coping techniques' and then you can explain to your GP that you have given this your best effort.
When you finally do see your GP you need to express exactly how you feel. Write it down on paper over the next few days ie: your thoughts, feelings, how this is affecting your life etc etc and then show this to your GP and tell him/her that you need some immediate intervention. You have a life to be getting on with and you need to show your GP how determined & desperate you are.

Good luck!

22-03-10, 20:47
Do not go on antipsychotics. They are not appropriate for anxiety/depression. They also make permanent changes to your brain. They are likely to make things worse rather than better. Anxiety and depression are not psychosis.

22-03-10, 23:42
My psychiatrist seems to think they are appropriate.. Also I have other mental health issues for which they will help - but he says they will help stabalise my mood..