View Full Version : Very Worried - hand tremor

22-03-10, 09:52

This morning i have woken with a hand tremor which only happens when my fist is clenched or i am holding something in my left hand. I am freaking out.... thinking that it is Parkinsons or MS!!!! :weep:

Of course the rational (threapy) half of me is saying that the likelyhood is i have slept on my arm in the night and it is just a bit weak at the moment but the Health Anxiety park of me is freaking out big time.

Can anyone help?


22-03-10, 10:16
i get a tremor sensation all over my body when i wake up , has been happening for the last few years. might mention it to my doctor sometime. just worried he'll think I'm being stupid!
i have a natural shake in my hands if i hold anything.
I hate having to carry drinks, glass's back to a table because i'm so worried it will spill!
the shakes may last a few hours but it should go away.
yep you may have slept on your arm there for weakening the muscles slightly.
i get it so often in the mornings now im used to it.
but i had a panic attack the first time i awoke to a tremor through my whole left arm!

22-03-10, 20:59
yep have the same thing, I mentioned it to nerologist and it didn't seem to think it was big deal at all.

22-03-10, 21:04
I asked my doctor about the same symptom and she said it was a benign essential tremor, absolutely nothing to worry about- and showed me her hands shaking and they were much worse than mine!!

Rachel W
22-03-10, 21:42
I get shakes when my hands are in a certain position too and as I had twitches also I had a complete checkover including an EMG and NCV. All was normal; totally benign!!!

23-03-10, 09:18
Hi all,

Thank you so much for your replies ans support. They have eased my mind a lot. It is the same the morning and seems to only be when i am holding something or putting pressure on my elbows. Given i am constantly tense it is no wonder my muscles are weak and shaking.

My attitude from now on is to listen the rational side of my mind and try to be more positive. :D

thanks again.