View Full Version : back from disneyland!

22-03-10, 10:21
hi all

got back at midnight last night after 2 hours on eurostar and a 3 hour car drive!

we were all inclusive so had to eat downstairs in hotel with every one else and i was slightly nervous every time before we ate and although i did not eat much i still managed to eat something!

girls obviously wanted to q every morning to meet the characters and found that a little hard waiting in q and had few 'giddy' moments but i tried to let it go over me and it did eventually pass.

felt awful yesterday and not sure if it was because i knew i was having to get home and was dreading it (even though i must say i quite enjoyed it on the eurostar) i woke in early hours of morning with pounding heart for some odd reason and that threw me off all day really just felt really odd and a little spaced out for some reason.

did lots and lots of walking which is very unusual for me and even though im exhausted now and my legs are killing me i felt good for doing so.

all in all i loved it had the most amazing time and so did my kids hubby and mum. xx

22-03-10, 10:42
hey you back! :D
wow you went on the euro star! what is that like, would it be as claustrophobic as I think it is?
that's great you managed to eat something, I have the same problem I get so anxious when eating out.
aw ques, I hate them, not sure why but the waiting part and feel stuck there I guess.
well done for sticking in there :)
as for being anxious before going home I always find the journey home harder, even if its as simple as walking home from town.
so glad you managed to have fun despite being anxious.
i bet it was a real boost to your confidence knowing that you managed to cope so well and enjoy your self.

anx mum
22-03-10, 10:44
glad u had a good time:). Bet girls loved it. U did so well hun u should b proud of yourself

22-03-10, 11:17
Hi hun

I am so pleased you had a good time.

You were bound to bit a bit wobbly at times as you were so nervous about going, but u have done great

well done :yesyes:

love mandie x

22-03-10, 14:28
the eurostar was fairly tight fitting if you see what i mean lol and was very cramped but i really was ok on there! i even managed to walk a few carriages away to the snack place to get a drink!

yes i do feel my confidence has been boosted slightly and i managed to go to tesco this morning to get a few things!

i managed to go in the haunted house (on a little ride) and on a boat in 'its a small world' both rides for kids really but at least i went on some i suppose lol. as for my 8 and 5 year old daughters am very proud of them as they went on the tower of terror with my hubby lol

feeling little rubbish today, but i suppose thats because im back to boring reality!


22-03-10, 14:33
glad you had good time you did very well ,,exellent ,, hope i do s well when i go to france in june ,were you okonce you got on the move going

22-03-10, 15:18
you did brilliantly :hugs:
well done you...
you are bound to feel a bit rubbish ...but look at all that you have achieved
i think this should be in success stories...

22-03-10, 20:30
hun, your daughters brave, i didnt go on it i was to scared lol


22-03-10, 20:43
thanks everyone!

yes i was not too bad once i had got going!

just had a little cry as sad we are not still there and back to reality tomorrow with school etc and am feeling little tight chested tonight grrr x

margaret jones
22-03-10, 21:45
Well done Well Done you are a star xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So pleased for you all you must be so pleased with yourself xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Did you like a small world ?? well sweet my hubby and grandsons thought it was naff but i loved it

Again well done onwards and upwards you must be tired look after yourself


andrea thompson
22-03-10, 21:54
oh wow hon

so pleased you had a good time - what a massive achievement - you should be so proud of yourself. all those lovely memories will be yours forever now. everytime you feel challenged in the future you an look back to how well you coped at disney.. woop woop!!!!!

did you manage to keep your anxiety from your mum? i know this was a worry for you!!!

take care

andrea x x

23-03-10, 12:22
hi maggie yes we all loved its a small world.

andrea, thanks for your message and yes i did manage to keep it from mum. i told her i was not going on any spinning rides as i hate feeling dizzy and it frightens me and it was left at that! xx

23-03-10, 19:07
Just wanted to say "Well done!" what a fantastic achievement. You should be so proud of yourself. I read your post saying how worried you were about the trip so I'm really pleased you managed to have fun and enjoy the time with your family.
I agree that this should definately be in the success stories section!

23-03-10, 19:13
This is brilliant, well done!
I havent been away for years but last time I did I felt crap coming home, I think you are right, its the coming back to relality of normal life and while away I was a different person.
This is great news and a great acheivement.

08-04-10, 19:33
Wel done you :)

im so proud of you and you are a superstar :) xx

magic girl
08-04-10, 20:43
wow well done you,you are so brave my hubby keeps mentioning going on holiday but im to scared and we would be staying in this country so you did very well going abroad so i think a treat for yourself is in order:yesyes::yesyes: