View Full Version : Need some support - very scared

22-03-10, 10:54
Hey there

Well I have kind of been doing Ok with the Health anxiety, little things here and there are bothering me, but I have been dealing with it.

This morning I went to the loo - number 2, (sorry TMI:blush:) I had a pale stool, I looked at it, did not look right, now I have googled many a time and know whats normal and what isn't. I came into work, googled some more - grr, why did I do that, and scared myself half to death. I went to the loo again and it was back to a brown colour, so normal.
I have no other signs of anything, eyes fine, skin fine, no itching, I am very sore around the ribs of my right side, have been for ages, have been getting twinges over the weekend.
I went to the Doctor in a complete tis, she has ordered full liver function tests, and an ultrasound, to rule out gallstones.
My Doc said she doubted I had anything wrong with my liver as I look to well and beautiful (bless her, she knows I am terribly anxious)

I am so scared, I have been worried about there being something wrong with my liver for ages, I know in the past I have drank way to much, like 30 units a week, and I have cut down. I have had a bottle of wine last week and a couple of beers, spread out as well, as my anxiety is bad. I knew I was drinking to much and I cut down as my anxiety has been taken over by this.

I am having my bloods done tomorrow and I am cacking it. My husband goes away in 3 weeks for four months, and I am trying not to lose the plot before he goes otherwise he is going to be worried sick about me. I have not told him I went to the Docs and I am not going to tell him about the tests, unless there is anything sincere there.

Just looking for a bit of support and some words of wisdom if any. So frightened

Much love

22-03-10, 13:09
Right Lady, what did I tell you about googling?

Changes is stools is something we all get, and can be different depending what you eat etc and it was only once, so don't even worry about it.

Your GP is right, you look too well and she is not worried so you shouldn't be, she is just ordered some routine tests, it's not a big deal :)

As for your units, a bottle of wine and a couple of beers in a week is hardly over doing it (I do that in a night, yer I know it's too much) so you can relax about that too.

And WHEN the tests come back and you are fine, I will take that PC off you if you google again ;)

It's just faulty thinking lass, that's all.

Now am I right or am I right?

So grab a cuppa, relax, and you are not going to lose the plot, you will be fine

Jaco xxx

22-03-10, 13:53
theres a saying you are what you eat so maybe it was some food you had

22-03-10, 14:00
stools come in anything from pale to dark depending on lots of factors from stress to what you eat. but I'm sure you know that. i think because of the Internet and all the medical shows on tv we have too much information to scare ourselves silly with!
i'm a bit panicky over throat symptoms today and its so hard to get your brain into realizing its just anxiety ad that you will be ok.
i find distraction the best as it helps me forget for awhile what I'm worried about.

23-03-10, 07:04

Thanks for your replies, I know I was naughty googling, I wasted most of yesterday having a mental breakdown about my liver!
I did talk to my husband, and he was his normal chilled self, and so supportive. God i must be a bore to live with.
I also came on NMP and a few people sorted me out as well.

I am having my bloods this morning and am nervous as HELL! I considered cancelling them, but not sure what that would prove so just going to get on and do it.

I really hope its all OK.

Thank you for your replies

23-03-10, 07:57
well googling is a def no no !! and as for the blood tests you need to have them done for your own peace of mind really, lft i really wouldnt worry about the units you are on about i used to drink nearly that in a day not a week!! and if lft is up a bit liver can soon heal itself mine did, good luck with today be thinking of you

23-03-10, 11:38
Hey me lovely Emms

You naughty google monster you. :whiplash:
I know we spoke last night but just wanted to add my support and love.
You will be just fine hun!!
Try not to worry too much

Love Lisa

23-03-10, 15:23

Got my test results back already - they are all fine! Working in the NHS has advantages, one of the Doctors I work with checked if they had been done on the lab site and they had.

Phew! Thanks for all your support

23-03-10, 17:24
i just wanted to say i can really relate to the googling thing...im terrible for it! Today i convinced myself i must have angina even though in only 24 and know i have anxiety! Grr! its so hard not to do thought.
Im new and finding reading all this stuff so reassuring
:) thanks x

30-03-10, 11:20
Glad everything was fine.:yesyes:

I also have this soreness under right ribs and it bothers me wondering what it is. The doctor said it's to do with acid reflux. I feel worse when I get up in the morning or if I'm sat at the computer a lot, maybe cos I tend to slouch a bit and squash everything up a bit.:blush:

Got a doctors appointment today, not looking forward to it.:unsure: