View Full Version : So, I live in my head now...

22-03-10, 14:15
Hi all.

Well, here I go. I've spent a while looking and reading and not actually posted anything anywhere. In fact, it's not something I talk about to anyone really. I dont mind saying I find the whole thing quite embarrassing. Then again, I've never been one to talk about my personal heath or emotions. Only that "Im fine" and everything is always "ok".

So why am I posting?

Well, I did suffer from Anxiety about 7 years ago. I got through it and it slowly subsided. I'd pretty much thought I was over it all and I dont mind saying was very happy with life in general. Married, now two children, live in a nice area and run my own business. All in all, happy.

Last year through the difficult economic downturn, things at work became a struggle. We got hit with some big bad debts and the performance of the business was down. This meant I had to let three (out of 12) people go. something I really struggled with. Being a small business I'd become close to some of the people, they were not just numbers to me, but people with families to support and so on. Anyway, we got through it and I was happy to be able to help some of them find new work. The year ended and then this one started. the business has had a strong start to the year and while I still have to deal with the bad debts, things look like they are heading the right way.

Oh, and I have a tendancy to "babble", so make a cuppa and get comfy before continuing!

So, all was well until 1st week of March. I was at work typing an email. I wasn't stressed or under pressure and the email was nothing out of the ordinary. Then out of nowhere I had the most awful feeling. I can only discribe it as someone taking the "good" emotion out of my head and pouring in a cup of warm "bad" emotion. I felt this sinking feeling drain through my head in a gushing wave. It flushed through me and I just felt awful. I started amost panicing in my head wondering what was about to happen to me. Was I about to die or go mad? Had I just had something go wrong with my brain and so on?

I got up and walked out of the office. walked around the building a little and just felt all wrong. I was light headed and my vision had become a bit odd. I started getting this sense that I can only describe being as if I was watching myself on TV. I had a conversation with someone and it was like I was inside my own body taking part in the conversation but it wasnt me? I know, that's hard to imagine!

So, in the end I went home. Made my excuses from work and just left. I called my wife and told her what had happened. she was worried as her father had an anurysm (sorry, spelling?) a few years back. I called NHS helpline and the people agreed that it was strange what I described and suggested I contacted my GP. So thats what I done.

As the day went on, I calmed down somewhat. I took the next day off work and me and my wife just spent the day out together with granny at home watching the kids.

I went to the GP and he put it down to stress. Saying I should have time off work or a holiday. Said to come back in 4 weeks if it hadnt subsided.

Initially I thougt it was getting better but then I started getting the old symptoms. I can be fine one second and the woosh, there it is again and I feel like I push myself on this downward spiral. I feel a symptom (is that tingle in my finger part of it? etc) and start thinjking about it and then another symptom comes and then the vision goes.

It's been a relief somewhat reading some of this forum. so many of my symptoms are listed here. Pressure on my head (in particular temples), tinnitus like symptoms, depersonalisation (now thats just so odd/scary - feeling like Im trapped inside my own head), light headedness and dizzy vision (dont know how to explain this one. Static objects in my vision can appear to move). I often have a general "buzz" feeling about me and last but not least the old butterflies in my stomach. they can be there for hours for no reason at all.

Over the last couple of weeks its been on & off. Sometimes hardly noticing it and others its there quite strong. I've cut down on caffiene (maybe 2-3 coffee per day max), hardly drink and dont smoke. I find running helps, I do 3 or so short jogs a week, just 4 mile or so right now, but that seems to help a bit.

One moment I think "thats it its gone" and the next its sweeping over me and I feel I'm about to lose it again.

Ok, bit long winded but I did warn you.

22-03-10, 14:18
Hi Dimi

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
22-03-10, 15:00
:welcome:to NMP. This is an illness of how we think. Thoughts become feelings instantly when nerves are sensitised . These feelings are very powerful and many here have experienced the symptoms you describe. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;



22-03-10, 16:10
Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I'll look that up.

22-03-10, 22:43
Hi Dimi

Hang on in there. I've suffered bouts of anxiety since being a teenager. My most recent epsiode started about 7 weeks ago. It got so bad I didn't want to change rooms I was in, let alone leave the house. I've been on citalopram for 19 days now and not sleeping too well. I've tried sleep meds but they leave me totally zombified the following day - and when you're suffering from lingering depersonalisation, it's quite horrific. I quit the sleep meds and tranqs which can actually make you feel more anxious and tried sleeping au naturelle but alas to no avail yet. I am however remaining optimistic (albeit exhausted). I'm back at work after two weeks off and the pressure is on (I'm in Sales) but I've got no choice as I have a mortgage and two kiddies.

There is a lot of inspiring stuff on this website. I was way freaked out by the idea of taking meds and initially sat on them for two weeks. I wish now that I had started taking them straight away as I do feel my mood lifting from time to time now and I am able to bring myself into the moment every now and again without overthinking things.

Stay strong.


23-03-10, 07:39
Thanks Rich. Yeah my business is based around sales as well. Got a meeting today with the main buyer of a company and I can already feel my head buzzing. The DP is prob the worst thing at the moment. Feels like Im disappearing inside myself. Had it last night as well, very odd but just try to ignore it and not think about it.

23-03-10, 20:52
Hi Dimi

Do you find you feel better after a good sleep? I swallowed half a zopiclone tab last night after fooling around with the wife (yes, was able to bring myself into the moment for long enough - great feeling). I woke up feeling a tad more normal. I think you're right though just live with it and role with it, accept it and then ignore it.

Strength and Power to you mate - hang in there.



24-03-10, 11:07
Sleep does help I think. I find I'm knackered at night as during the day I have to concentrate through my symptoms. Basically trying to ignore them. Not that easy. But like this morning as soon as I was awake I was thinking about them again. Its like right now Im at work but I have tinnitus, a slight buzz about my head and mild DP. I've got used to these and some moments are worse than others.

Distraction is definitely the key for me though. If I'm deeply involved in something else so not thinking about the symptoms, its almost like they are not there. :)