View Full Version : so scared at the moment whats going on!!

22-03-10, 18:20
Please help, Im so scared. I have this strange 'shaky/weak' feeling in my arms and a little in my legs and bum. I feel as though im shaking, but not visibly just inside. It happened a few days ago as well. I have been really lightheaded as well for a few months off and on. BUT why this now, im not terribly anxious today or nothing. Was just cooking the kids tea and it came on. Im sure there is something massivly worng with me. please help

22-03-10, 18:24
Hi sharaj, i did a thread on this the other day. Iget it all the time, sometimes it lasts for days. Not exactly sure what it is but i know quite a few on here get it aswell hun so your not alone. Im sure its anxiety related even though i dont feel anxiuos when i get it i have only been getting it since my ha got really bad. try not to worry hun. Also i get this when im am woken up suddenly and then i will have it all day. xxx

22-03-10, 18:34
thanks for your quick reply. Does it feel like youve lost all your strenghth and have turned to jelly. So scared its something with my brain. Cant believe that you can have a symptom when youre not particulary anxious at the time. Wierd:wacko::unsure: Im shaking now, and feel so dizzy. I had bloods done last week and they were all normal, is this a good thing??
sharanj X

22-03-10, 18:34
i agree dont worry ,, to much ,, maybe you could have a word with your docter ,, anxiety can cause so many strange feelings i have had many know its not nice we have to understand ,our anxiety to beable to live with it if that makes sense hope you feel ok soon please dont worry you will be ok xxxx

22-03-10, 18:38
thanks gypsywoman.

I have been to GP and she sais its anxiety. Did try some ADs but made me ill. Just want to stop getting scary, scary symptoms all the time. Would diabetes have been picked up in my bood tests?

22-03-10, 18:42
Hiya, yes hun i did feel really weak although i was not. Its not nice hun but it will pass. xxxx

22-03-10, 18:44
yes love it would,, but they do anothr blood test ,,you have to starve over night then they take it in the morning ,,as thats when your blood suger would be low ,, but if they suspected it in your normal test they would thaye asked you to have the other

22-03-10, 19:44
I have had this too & usually it's 'perceived' weakness which means although you feel trembly & your legs feel like jelly you aren't actually any weaker & could run upstairs if you had to. Sometimes I used to get this in the morning when I woke up, my arms & hands would feel weak & achy but it was just muscle fatigue from the adrenaline causing tension in my muscles, very scary & unpleasant but tends to disappear if you become totally engrossed in something relaxing like painting or gardening etc.
Hope this helps, I'm sure you're aware that the fear you feel about this symptom is keeping it going, try to accept it's nothing more than muscle tension tiring your muscles & pinching your nerves & it should ease over time.
Take care
Seffie x

22-03-10, 20:39

The fact that you have been checked over by your doctor is the main reassurance. It happens to the best of us - even me.

I have put a few posts on here about how 99% of the time I feel great.

Then wham! Out of the blue, driving home tonight, rapid heart, dizzy, floaty and out of body feeling. Had to pull over to compose myself before I carried on. Then when I got home went out for a walk to take in some evening air and get things back in balance.

Just always remind yourself that it is anxiety and nothing else.