View Full Version : Hi, Im Kajal and i an new to NMP

22-03-10, 18:35
I have suffered from panic and anxiety for six years, what started off as a stressful period in my life has now turned into a nightmare. I havent enjoyed life at all during this time. I am now at a stage that when i wake up in the morning, i just feel utter dread and fear what the day is going to bring. I feel that life shouldnt be this hard. I feel like i dont know myself anymore and my confused thinking just makes it even worse. I feel quite lost, i suffer panic and anxiety when i go out but i also now feel it at home aswell. I do still get up at get the kids ready for school and go to work and do everything else but i am anxious all the time and by the end of the day i am mentally exhausted.

I just want to feel relaxed and clam again and enjoy just being with my family and friends.


22-03-10, 18:38
Hi Kajal

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-03-10, 18:38
sorry to here your having bad time with this ,, i am afraid we all suffer like you ,, yes its hard but if you try to carry on ,, and keep your mid focused it can helpxxxxxxxx

22-03-10, 18:52
I know what you mean about being exhausted. I sit in an office most of the day and have to concentrate hard when I feel one of my waves come on. I've almost started to treat it as something thats not me that I fight against. I know its a symptom and that it will pass. I find thinking about it makes it worse so I try to ignore it. thats almost impossible of course! Exercise seems to help for me as well mind.

22-03-10, 20:17
Hi Kajal,
I know exactly how you feel with the mental exhaustion and finding everyday a struggle. I find that I have to put so much effort into the day to get through it and constantly trying to stay calm that by the time night comes I never have the energy to go out. My friends mistake it for being unfriendly, but they do only every want to go out drinking and as my anxiety is brought 99% when in association with my phobia of sick, I never feel that going out at night is the most pleasant experience, usually leading to an attack.
You’re not alone, and I only joined yesterday and already found the advise and support helpful.
Welcome :)

23-03-10, 08:07
thanks to all those who sent me messages of support, it does help and i dont feel so alone so much. i hope i will be able to give help and support back.:)

23-03-10, 15:25

You are definately not alone...I found this site by accident and it has been my life saver over the past couple of months. I was suffering from depression/anxiety which with the help of medication and the lovely, caring people on here I am just getting over. I was unable to work for 5 months due to it. Please keep posting on here and you will find that life does become easier because there are people out there who are in the same boat and will share their experiences with you.

Take care

23-03-10, 18:58
thanks Jo, Im not taking any medications yet, I was referred to a counsellor who made me feel worse and even more helpless. I dont think my doctor understands me so i havent been back to see her, the last time i saw her was last Sept. Today I have been quite calm, it is just in this last hour or so ive started to feel overwhelmed again and i hate that feeling.:yahoo:

23-03-10, 19:19
Hi Kajal,

Some GP's are so unhelpful due to the lack of knowledge on these sensitive issues, it drives me mad. Is there another GP at the surgery you could see instead? It may be that you need medication for a while to calm you down and then perhaps be refferred to someone with more knowledge. Do you have a family member or close friend you trust who could go with you?

Sorry you are feeling that overwhelming feeling, I can relate to it completely, it just comes out of nowhere!!!

Hope you are feeling a bit calmer now.

Take care hun.
