View Full Version : im so scared please reassurance needed

22-03-10, 19:10
Hi i have posted on here before with my many symptoms, like ectopics,chest spasms and pain under left breast. Have been to docs with same symptoms told me to keep on anti depressents which have not helped much he still said pains are due to anxiety. I have had bloods done,ecgs, seen bupa top cardiologist. But now i'm petrified i know its stupid but as the pains are getting me down and had really bad ectopics i went on google to look up breast pain and it came up with a thing which is to do with my heart. I'm so scared as dying from a heartattack is my biggest fear. Now i'm thinking maybe docs are wrong and i do have something serious as these pains get so bad and the ectopics are so powerfull i feel all lightheaded after. Please someone reassure me that these symptoms are anxiety.:weep:

22-03-10, 19:14
Hi I had pain under my left breast too!! I was panicking about blocked arteries cos I have high cholestrol. When i had my cholestrol retested and it had gone down loads the pain went away so MUST have been anxiety. hope this helps (course I have moved onto a new fear and have other symptoms now :-(

23-03-10, 11:04
Hi i'm on Mirtazapine 30mg have been on them since November i told doc i wanted to come off them as they have not helped and he said no.
I want a magical cure so i can be my old self I have been like this for about 5 years . My doc said he can see by my face that tablets are working but i feel no different every day is a struggle. I had such a bad bout of ectopics Saturday that i really thought i can't take this anymore.