View Full Version : Memory problems

22-03-10, 19:40
Do anti-depressants cause memory problems/memory loss or any short term memory lapses?

My memory has been getting worse over the past few months, It's like for example just now i washed my hands and then 10-15 mins later i thought my sleeves are wet and i wondered why and i thought i hadn't done anything with water but then after around 10-20 seconds i remembered that i had washed my hands.

I'm so worried about my memory, I'm only 29 but keep thinking i'm going mad or losing my mind and losing the plot, I keep thinking i have dementia or alzheimer's but then i think surely i'm too young for that? But i know people my age can develop it it's not impossible but not very likely.

I just wondered if it was known whether anti-depressants do cause problems like this? I was ok before i went on them and i was on them for 6 years but have very recently come off them but i have noticed my memory getting worse over the past 6-12 months.

22-03-10, 22:33
Well I'm on them at the moment for a good few months now, perhaps a year, I can't remember :D My short term memory is crap, really really bad. It's driving me mad because I used to be able to remember things, now I've to write them down in case I forget. The interesting thing is, my longterm memory is fine, I can still remember bank account numbers, sort codes, phone numbers etc. I'm going to try doing memory exercises of brain puzzle things.

I'm bothered now because you said you are off them, I was hoping my memory would improve when I came off them!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrggghhh

23-03-10, 01:29
I haven't taken anti-depressant but it sounds like to me that may be sort of how the medication works. Anti-depressants in general try to make you "not depressed" anymore and to restore your once previous, happy life. Their are many ways the medication works and one of the way's I am pretty sure is to add a certain "happy chemical" to your brain so you can start enjoying life more. But in order to do this, your brain must erase all the previous bad memories in your life or the "happy chemicals" would not work that well. You would just be depressed about your past life and simply put, the anti-depressants make you forget about the past easier. You could compare this to a computer's "restore button". When your computer gets a virus, you can click auto-restore and this will restore all your computer's functions to a previous date. This in fact works by deleting the virus but it also may delete data you might have wanted. So in comparison to humans, your brain is trying to "restore" itself to its original happy self and in the process deleting a lot of your memory. You shouldn't be worried about this because once the medication has done its job, you can have your memory back again.

23-03-10, 12:11
@Chilli2424 that doesn't explain short term memory loss. My long term memory is fine, I remember every traumatic detail from the event that kicked this whole illness off. EVERYTHING in perfect detail. So that doesn't explain it.

23-03-10, 14:38
I haven't taken anti-depressant but it sounds like to me that may be sort of how the medication works. Anti-depressants in general try to make you "not depressed" anymore and to restore your once previous, happy life. Their are many ways the medication works and one of the way's I am pretty sure is to add a certain "happy chemical" to your brain so you can start enjoying life more. But in order to do this, your brain must erase all the previous bad memories in your life or the "happy chemicals" would not work that well. You would just be depressed about your past life and simply put, the anti-depressants make you forget about the past easier. You could compare this to a computer's "restore button". When your computer gets a virus, you can click auto-restore and this will restore all your computer's functions to a previous date. This in fact works by deleting the virus but it also may delete data you might have wanted. So in comparison to humans, your brain is trying to "restore" itself to its original happy self and in the process deleting a lot of your memory. You shouldn't be worried about this because once the medication has done its job, you can have your memory back again.

My long term memory is great, It's my short term memory that is not good at all, So you're post doesn't make much sense to me.

I forget things within seconds or within the last 5-10 minutes so it's my short-term memory that is knackered hence why i am worried that it might be something serious like dementia as the main symptom of that is short term memory loss.

I don't know if the anti-depressants affect the memory at all, I've read up on it and some people say they do affect your memory but i won't know until i have been off them for a while.

If my memory does not improve once i have been off them for a month or two then i would be very concerned and worried.

23-03-10, 17:03
My long term memory is great, It's my short term memory that is not good at all, So you're post doesn't make much sense to me.

I forget things within seconds or within the last 5-10 minutes so it's my short-term memory that is knackered hence why i am worried that it might be something serious like dementia as the main symptom of that is short term memory loss.

I don't know if the anti-depressants affect the memory at all, I've read up on it and some people say they do affect your memory but i won't know until i have been off them for a while.

If my memory does not improve once i have been off them for a month or two then i would be very concerned and worried.

Same. My pills definitely do cause memory problems, I'm on citalopram.
Don't worry though yet. I'm trying not to worry about it.

What I find is, I forget something but then next week I'll remember it, do you know what I mean? It's annoying though. You're not alone anyway :)

23-03-10, 23:32
I had the exact same problem about 3 weeks ago. Exact same problem! I literally was forgetting things very easily and often used the word "dementia" in my head. I felt like I was going to become dumb. This is not the case. Just try to be patient and it will go away on its own. It just takes longer time than other illnesses.