View Full Version : Citalopram is brilliant!!!

22-03-10, 20:25
I just needed to get this off my chest, I've been taking it for about 3 months at 10mg then 20mg and for last 2 months at 40mg which has literally made me feel reborn and with the well being of a 10 year old. In addition to this I have not experienced any side affects apart from tiredness in the beginning but even that has passed,

Anybody else digging good old Citalopram?:yesyes:

22-03-10, 20:30
Moved to relevant forum for you

22-03-10, 20:59
I just needed to get this off my chest, I've been taking it for about 3 months at 10mg then 20mg and for last 2 months at 40mg which has literally made me feel reborn and with the well being of a 10 year old. In addition to this I have not experienced any side affects apart from tiredness in the beginning but even that has passed,

Anybody else digging good old Citalopram?:yesyes:

Same here, but I feel like a forty seven year old woman and the wife keeps slipping out of hubbies slippery grip :hugs:

They say the spouse is the first to notice depression and the recovery from it. I just now need to use the medical effects to act as a plaster while I fix the underlying causes. So far though very good.


22-03-10, 21:36
Same here, but I feel like a forty seven year old woman and the wife keeps slipping out of hubbies slippery grip :hugs:

They say the spouse is the first to notice depression and the recovery from it. I just now need to use the medical effects to act as a plaster while I fix the underlying causes. So far though very good.


Glad to hear your benefiting, onwards and upwards :)

22-03-10, 22:47
im feeling brill too 10 years of agrophobia anxiety panic dp and im now living a new life 6 months in and all is good my family call it the miracle drug

23-03-10, 15:59
I have been taking it for depression and anxiety - 20 mgs - for the past 11 months and I feel great! It was a rocky road in the beginning but well worth the journey.:yesyes:

23-03-10, 16:08
I have been taking it for depression and anxiety - 20 mgs - for the past 11 months and I feel great! It was a rocky road in the beginning but well worth the journey.:yesyes:

Hiya bj

Would you say there were any milestones after the first few months.
Did things improve or change much after say month 4.
I'm coming up to the end of month 3 and still hoping for some improvements!

And can I be cheeky and ask if affected your weight?
Mine's heading up quicker than a rocket!


23-03-10, 16:19
Hi Martian

You will notice small improvements as you go along but I really started to notice a huge difference by the end of month 5. I think it takes much longer than the 5/6 weeks that it says in the packet.

I lost a stone before I went on them through health anxiety but I have put it all back on in the last 6 months - I just feel hungry all the time and have got a real liking for sponge cake! I would rather feel like I do now than be skinny and feeling rubbish!

This is such a fantastic forum - it really kept me going through the dark days and knowing that you are not the only one going through this. I used to log in several times a day last year.

I still have problems sleeping but the mornings are so much better now.

It is a long road but you are through the really rocky bit - things can only get better! You will have bad days but who doesn't.



23-03-10, 16:30
Hi Martian

You will notice small improvements as you go along but I really started to notice a huge difference by the end of month 5. I think it takes much longer than the 5/6 weeks that it says in the packet.

I lost a stone before I went on them through health anxiety but I have put it all back on in the last 6 months - I just feel hungry all the time and have got a real liking for sponge cake! I would rather feel like I do now than be skinny and feeling rubbish!

This is such a fantastic forum - it really kept me going through the dark days and knowing that you are not the only one going through this. I used to log in several times a day last year.

I still have problems sleeping but the mornings are so much better now.

It is a long road but you are through the really rocky bit - things can only get better! You will have bad days but who doesn't.



Hi thanks loads
But you mentioned sponge cake - so got to go back offline now and down to Tesco's again. Not for me you understand LOL

x Rocky Martiano

24-03-10, 13:50
I have been prescribed citalopram 20mg to be taken at night and only have only been taking it for 2 days. First morning after a great nights sleep the first time in ages i was a little bit anxcious didnt want to get out of bed but after being up for 1/2 hour felt just fine. Took 2nd last night and dont feel any differant today but got out of bed no probs. Side effect for me is i take them at 10pm by 10:30 im sound so hubby not happy. I know everyone has a differant experience but i just thought i would share mine as it is more positive and hope those anxcious about taking this med can benifit from it.

24-03-10, 14:30

Citalpram helped me a graet deal with the anxiety , i had side effects in the begginning and got through them. I have decided to come off them as its been about a year since i started on them .....so im hoping i can cope . The one drawback i found with them was the weight gain and craving cakes and stuff that i would never eat so wish me luck that i can lose some of this weight but if i had to choose between being overweight and taking the citalopram the latter would win hands down, tc xx.

24-03-10, 14:41

I have been taking citalopram for 6 weeks started on 10mg then moved up to 20mg.
I have def noticed a difference my doctor gave me it for depression and severe pmt!
My husband says I am a lot calmer and Ive finally stopped crying! I was heading for a complete breakdown my moods are a lot more stable. I do feel like a different person and thats only after 6 weeks. I was lucky not to have many side effects apart from headaches a bit of nausea but they pass. The main one I am getting at the moment is tiredness I have been going to bed very early and struggling to get up in the morning. I feel like I could sleep forever. When I am at work my eyes keep closing and im always yawning. Not good when you work with children.
I am still managing to excersise but would rather be having a sleep!
So apart from that all good I do miss having a drink though there is only so much diet coke you can drink on a night out! But I tried just one glass of wine last week and it made feel very ill.
But I feel good so thats the main thing oh and ladies the libido thing is fine:winks: I read a few things on here about it but I have had no problems lol!
take care all:) x

07-09-12, 11:28
I've not been on 10mg for a week and they're calming me down :) they're a god send as I was a nightmare to live with before taking them lol! X

07-09-12, 12:45
This lovely, positive thread. <3 Really happy for everyone who's had a good experience and hope that mine will be good too once they settle.

07-09-12, 13:00
Citalpram made me really ill, had to come off of it, but i guess everyones different!
Good that its working for others though! :)

07-09-12, 13:31
This is really encouraging to hear. I'm on week 8 or 9 I think (lost count :S) and I think I sometimes see glimmers of hope that I'm getting better. I feel calmer overall and things don't bother me as much as they used to but I am still pretty anxious in public. The yawning and tiredness is the worst bit for me, it gets to about 3pm and I'm ready for an afternoon nap.

Looking forward to (hopefully) being over the worst of it!

07-09-12, 14:20
I totally agree - I think Citalopram is amazing! :yesyes: Especially when I think back to how awful I was feeling a month ago, when I was constantly being tormented by negative anxious thoughts and it was really getting me down. I used to wake up nearly every morning feeling frustrated and in tears, anxious about what the day would bring, but nowadays I wake up happy and positive for the day ahead. Just a month ago I thought I was going to lose everything - my career, my friends, my social life, my sanity and so on. Now I feel more confident at work and I'm able to go out with my friends again without worrying all the time.

Of course I'm not happy 100% of the time, but I feel like I've been pulled back from the abyss, from an awful black hole. My negative thoughts used to be there all the time and I felt as if I was constantly under a black cloud. I wouldn't like to think what might have happened to me if I didn't ask for help, but I'm so glad I did. I felt like I just couldn't cope any more. I think I got help just in time. :)

07-09-12, 15:43
It is good to read all your good stories of Citalopram, I am now on week 7, 10mg for 2 weeks and then up to 20mg, I had some nasty side effects but not as bad as some I have read and if it hadn't been for this site I would probably have packed them in on week 1 but so glad I didn't as I think this week they are really starting to work.:)

07-09-12, 15:57
So glad Citalopram works wonders for lots of you, I'm thinking of asking to go back on it despite it giving me panic attacks at first but it has got me 100% well 3 times before where as the meds I've been on for 5 months isn't making any difference at all (Mirtazapine). I so wish I'd just gone back on Citalopram now as I would have been better (:

07-09-12, 16:36
Great to hear the positive results you guys have had.

Ive been on Citalopram 5 weeks tomorrow and ive had up and down days so far. More down then up, with anxiety and dizzy/lightheadedness most days. I do feel better in the last 2 days or so and im hopeing its a sign the drug is on its way to giving me some positive effects.

07-09-12, 16:48
Liam, the anxiety that you feel now, is it the same anxiety that you had BEFORE taking cit, I know you have health anxietys, but is it the same with cit? or does the cit give you anxiety for no reason too?

when you went to the drs to get your new prescription did you discuss the effects it was having on you? what did he say?

little scientist
07-09-12, 20:23
For me, citalopram has given me back parts of me that I had lost. It is life changing for me! I have been back on it for 7 days now and really starting to feel it kick in now, so much calmer than I was and much more settled and dealing with things :)

eternally optimistic
07-09-12, 20:47
That is a good comparison, little scientist, you are right there.

It has given me back parts of my "original" personality - not made me a different person, faux like, but put things back in place as they were - LONG MAY THEY REMAIN!!!!

little scientist
08-09-12, 21:04
Before I started out my journey with anti depressants, my biggest fear was that they would change who I was. Oh how wrong I was about that!

I can only reiterate how positive they have been for me, giving me back bits of me that I had lost somewhere along the way! Like you say, long may they remain!