View Full Version : Sinus Infection not going away, blurred vision, neon 'gunk' & scared!!!

22-03-10, 20:55
Hi guys,

I'm feeling abit panicky today as I've had sinus problems for MONTHS now! I've had loads of anti-biotics but they've never done anything!
I've been plagued by headaches & I keep getting random shooting pains in my right temple! :(

The most disturbing is the disturbed/blurred vision I've been getting for the past few days.
& Before, when I blew my nose I had BRIGHT NEON gunk! I swear it could have glowed in the dark! LOL! It really freaked me out!

I'm gonna try & get into the doctors tomorrow but I'm SO worried because I did the forbidden & googled it....& I read stuff that blurred vision with a sinus infection is dangerous cos they can cause eyes & brain infections & it can be fatal :(

Now I'm really scared :(
Anyone any advice??? Please!?

22-03-10, 21:02
I think that might be the infection in your sinuses clearing..so a good thing!

22-03-10, 21:16
I hope so, I'm so scared now :( I've had to stop looking on google cos soooo many people have died from it spreading to their brain :(
I'm really frightened :(

Vanilla Sky
22-03-10, 21:19
Yes the neon gunk is a sure sign it's a sinus infection, Maybe the antibiotics your doc gave you never worked to it's full effect so i think you should go back, it's good your seeing doc soon. I had a sinus infection a few weeks back and even after it cleared up i'm still having shooting pains around my cheekbones and a one sided headache ugh . It feels better the last few days though, so i hope thats it done with now. Sometimes it takes a while to clear which seems to be your case, i hope you feel better soon and DON'T google any more , you know it'll come back with serious illness usually terminal :ohmy: Hope you well soon Love Paige x

23-03-10, 09:37
The first thing I will say is that I have had untold sinus infections and they have been really bad for me before but they don't lead to brain infections!
I actually had a very bad sinus infection about 3 years ago that made me have double vision for nearly 3 weeks! It was very scary but now I look back I believe the doctor that that was what it was because at the time I was convinced the doctor had it wrong. I even had numbness and tingling on and off for those 3 weeks too which was a trapped nerve and I wonder whether that was to do with the fact that I was ill with the sinus infection at the time.
So what I am trying to say is I have had really really bad sinus infections but nothing has ever come off it and they can last ages but with the right medication and plenty of rest you will get better! xx

23-03-10, 10:32

I had a really bad sinus infection in October it completely took me out!! Thought my head was going to explode. In fact this is when my anxiety started because it was so bad that i thought i was going to die. I didn't think this because i didn't believe the doctor i thought this because i was so ill. It was intense for about a week and then i had headaches on and off for about 4 weeks after. I then had a repeat infection about 3 weeks ago which was bad for about 2 weeks and all i took was strong painkillers and sudafed! That is great for clearing the sinuses.

If you have sinus problems i suggest you invest in a netti pot. You can get them on Amazon for about £20.00. A solution washes out your sinuses. It is disgusting but it will really relieve your symptoms.

I have never heard of a sinus infection leading to a brain infection and when i have been to the docs over my sinuses the doctors have always been so cool and calm. If it was more serious you would not be sent away with anti-biotics you would be going for further tests.

:hugs: for you

23-03-10, 11:08
docter gave me steroid nose drops i was just like you ,they were very good and worked

23-03-10, 21:14
Thanks guys, once again you've all helped SO, SO MUCH!!! I can never thank you all enough, you really help to calm me down! *hugs for all*