View Full Version : cud sum1 give me advice plzzz!!!

22-03-10, 22:46
hello am 18 and i suffer with anxiety, panic attacks, i have had a really hard time with my anxiety lately, i have been haveing constant chest pains and feel afull. my doctor has gave me amitriptyline 10mg to be taken once before bed, am very wery of taking tablets ecspecially antidepressant types, i have never taken any type of antidepressednt before, my doctor said it will help ith my chest pain and anxiety (as my chest pain is due to my anxiety) i really dont no wether to take them or not?? am feeling like i cant cope on my own lately, but i dont want to get dependent on a drug and am scared that it will cause bad side affects or make me feeel worse, if anyone has any information about this drug please let me know thank you :) xxx

22-03-10, 23:28
Rhea, this drug can help with quite a few problems, like anxiety, muscle tension and sleep. It's not an addictive drug either.

If your doctor thinks it could help you, I would give it a go - you have nothing to lose.

Hope you feel better soon.

23-03-10, 03:23
I took this ad just before Christmas to help me sleep which it did but as soon as I felt better I stopped taking them. They helped me get through the worst time.

Alot of ad's will cause side-effects such as nausea but not all, and when they do occur they often do subside after a few days.

Ad's can provide that little extra support to get us through bad times when we don't feel strong enough to cope in ourselves.

Modern ad's are not in themselves addictive but I think they "could" become addictive if the anxiety sufferer takes them over a "very long period of time" and then becomes "too anxious" at the thought of stopping to take them in which case when they do try, the fear of coping without them will often trigger the same original anxiety symptoms. The sufferer will then probably think their anxiety has returned and that the ad's were controlling their anxiety when they actually only help to ease symptoms. The sufferer then feels they can't cope without the ad's and so a sufferer can unwiittingly trap themselves due to their anxiety misleading them. However, providing a sufferer is aware of this possibility with long term use there's no problem in taking them for that little extra support when most needed.:hugs:

23-03-10, 19:34
thank you both for the advice :) i hav soked to my family and friends about it and they all agree that they could help as am going thruu a bad tym wiv my anxiety n am feelin lyk i cant cope so mayb they myt take the edge of that its onliu a 10mg n onli for 3 weeks he has gave me dem for, am just scared that if they do help me alot that i wnt want to get off dem but mayb i may need a tablet to help me for a little while, am going bk my doctors tomoz to just talk it all thru wiv her but i think i may giv ut agoo n c how i feel lyk malancholia i hav nothing to orst an am sure i cant feel any wrst dan w ai already do haha,, thanks :) xx