View Full Version : Very Odd Feeling

23-03-10, 01:13
Well, I'm slowly moving along side the road to recovery. It seems to be a very long and winding road but I can safely say I feel better than I did a month ago. Most of the symptoms I felt before are gone or I have just learned to cope. Currently there are a couple of things I still cant shake. The ones I can say without a doubt what they are the manual breathing. (Anytime I think about my breaths it gets way worse. I learned if I distract myself it goes away but I sort of want this gone forever) I also feel a weird detached feeling which I guess is the derealization. Its definately still there but not as bad as it used to be. (hopefully that will pass too)

My question regards to something I know nothing about. It's a very weird symptom that I don't know how to describe. It's like the feeling of "something is just not right" and I can't pinpoint what it is and how its troubling me. It gets me really confused and my thoughts get all cloudy and I feel a sense of fear like something bad is going to happen to me. I know in my head it won't but my body definately doesn't feel that way. It's totally random and I have absolutely no idea what the trigger can be. Has anyone had this before and how do they shake that unnerving symptom. It really scares me because I don't know what it is and I cant identify it on they symptom chart.

23-03-10, 09:28
Hi buddy,

I think in general I'm the same as you, unless I have something major happen that bashes me off kilter like currently, but even today I feel a load better than yesterday (a good nights sleep always works wonders dontcha think?).

Anyway, that feeling of something's just not right I always think of as the final throes of anxiety in it's smallest state. Almost like a memory of anxiety, our bodies and minds are so used to the physical sensations and fears of anxiety that when we've basically all but won the fight it's like our body's going "Ok, erm, what do I do now?" and because we've devoted a load of our mental and physical effort previously to getting over this there's just a massive empty void left.

It's up to us to fill this up with... life! That's what I'm currently trying to do now, I've moved to a new city as when I was at home it was as if I had beaten the anxiety but I had nothing to go in it's place. Here I'm hoping I can build a new life to take the place of my anxious old one. I'm finding it hard at the moment because old thought patterns are trying to creep through because of my sudden new surroundings and lack of familiarity, all normal reactions to this are being magnified 100x inside of me, but it's important to stay positive and keep going.

The worst you can do is fear this feeling of things not being right, as that'll just trigger your anxiety again, just see it as your body saying to you "Yeah, I'm not used to this not having any anxiety feeling, it's not what I'm used to, but that's a good thing!". Just remember any new odd feelings you may be experiencing are just the same, old, boring, waste of time that is anxiety.

Take care matey.x

23-03-10, 22:34
Thanks for your post. Really helped me out there

24-03-10, 04:08
I know where you are coming from of that 'not right' feeling. I am finding these days now that I am feeling better and am more in control during the times where I am feeling good and not feeling any anx feelings that is when that 'not right' glitch comes and rears its head.
We have become so used to worrying or being aware of so many bodily issues over the past that when you actually don't have something to worry about like in that last post it's like a memory feeling.
Speaking of it I am actually getting it a lot today, as I am not experiencing any of my anx symptoms as such but only this 'not right' feeling that throws me for a sixer when it comes along.

I think the best thing is to think nothing of it, to not trying find something that is not quite right. That is exactly what the anx feeling is trying to make us do but at the moment it is not strong enough to get through. So I say forget it and as the post above fill your life with ... life and keep on moving.
You have come this far!