View Full Version : Keep feeling faint

23-03-10, 10:31
For the last 2 days I've felt generally off, felt sick and really tired but my anxiety is bad at the moment so I've put it down to that. Recently though I've been getting dizzy a lot and my eyes go funny. Last night I was in bed and leant on my side to put a glass on the floor and when I got back up I thought I was going to pass out, everything went funny looking and I could feel the blood drain from my head. At first I thought it was head rush but it's been happening quite a few times over the last couple of days.

My Mum says it could be down to the fact I'm the computer a lot and may need my eyes testing (not been tested in 15 years). I've also got really bad wax in my ears as well at the moment, I can slightly knock my ear and I'll go deaf until I can clear the wax (off into town in a it so going to get some ear drops).

23-03-10, 12:29
Hey, I have had unusal vision which I think causes me to feel oddly light headed this has been going on for months I get head rushes that feel like Im about to pass out it's quite scary, I have been to the dr and she said it is a sign of anxiety but also because my vision seems blurry yet oddly clear at the same time I need to go to the optomitrist and get my eyes tested again for new glasses.
Hope you feel better soon

23-03-10, 18:13
Thanks so much for the reply, really hope you feel better soon as well.

I think I will go to get my eyes tested, I've been putting it off because I can't imagine sitting there for 20 mins without getting anxious