View Full Version : 12 year anxiety

23-03-10, 16:13
Hi, i am new to this so bear with me. I have suffered with Anxiety for 12 years now, it started when i had my drink spiked in a nightclub when i was 19. I was seriously let down by my doctors at the time as i think they assumed i was a drung user which i wasn’t.
I basically suffered the worse experience of my life when i realised my drink contained speed, i thought i was dying at the time i didn’t realise what was happening to me was a panic attacks, i thought it was due to the drug in my system slowly killing me. i was admitted to hospital after 2 days of complete panic, going to bed at night and not expecting to wake up. No one told me i was having panic attacks. After many trips to the GP he put me on several different medications still not explaining anything to me. What i feel i really needed was someone to talk and explain things. Now slightly older i have realised i wasn’t dying but have never got rid of the panic disorder it seems to have created, I just cant forget what happened to me, i am a totally different person to the one i would have been had this not happened to me, or been dealt with correct. I have been back to GP since and again just told to go on med, which i dont want to.

This is my last resort, and i am seeking help even more so now because me and my husband what to try for a second child, but as soon as i thought i was pregnant i suffered a major panic. Dont know what to do now, why should this rule my life, why shouldnt i have another child but im worred that it will no longer be just me suffering but my unborn baby should i become pregnant and panic. Please help me.

23-03-10, 22:29
I take it you cope fine with your first child? may sound a daft question but having had 3 - i didn't have a coping prob till i had the 3rd and 3 little ones are a handful. Why don't you ask doc for cognitive behaviour therapy - I start on the 8th and hope it will help. people seem to think it does. good luck - hope you feel better soon

23-03-10, 22:57
Hi Marie

I had my coffee spiked with ecstacy once - it was awful and also set off a panic attack. Like you've I suffered off and on throughout the years. It would always go away but man it would also always come back. As Dulcie suggest CBT could be the way to go, I've heard really good things about this. I'm on day 20 of Citalopram 20mg as my last episode about 6 weeks ago almost drove me to insanity. I have hope again.

I hope all goes well for you. Maybe you might want to reconsider another child at this moment. Talk to your hubby - COMMUNICATION is the key. I think I ended up the way I am now through serious lack of communciation with my wife. All our feelings can be explored with the ones we love on a regular basis - this keeps us in check. It just takes practice.

Take care of you


22-04-10, 23:30
Sounds like your really suffering. From your initial response: and me being an old man: it seems like it might have been a hit of acid rather then speed. Speed would keep you awake and definately would make you want too drink more. Acid on the other hand reacts differently with different people. Yes !!!! causeing you immediete anxiety :too the point where you would want to seek medical attention. Flash backs can be common.

22-04-10, 23:34
Say Rich
Do you get these damn dizzy spells and does your medication help?
Have you tried propananol and do you booze it up?

02-09-11, 23:07
hi marie01. i went to docs and thats all they want to do is put me on meds i like you want to talk about it rather than take meds. im waiting to see a counciler prob take ages. i also want more children (i have a 7 yr old) but when it comes to crunch all my health anxiety comes out. hope we all get over this x