View Full Version : slow pulse

23-03-10, 16:34
hi am new on here,been reading post for few days, have had health anxiety for ages now,had a few palpatations and ended up in a and e, had 2 ecgs, chest x ray and blood tests done all were fine but doc said referring me to cardiologist just make sure ,(so i was in panic since lol) my heart wasnt going that fast when i was at the hospital ,i take blood pressure tabs but i have a dreaded bp monitor at home or which is almost always on my arm,i never hardly used to use it but have been recently and have noticed my pulse sits usually between 62 to 70 ,when im at home just walking about not doing anything strenuous,today i done it and it was 60 bpm so now im thinking thats low and feel the panic pains coming on,is 60 too low ? i worry about most everything too any twinge or pain is definately something bad ,i can seen to tolerate them thoughts tho its thos 60 bpm pulse that is currently freaking me out ,

23-03-10, 16:35
Hi cornishmaid

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

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23-03-10, 22:10
would love to know how old you are and if you do lots of excercise - go see your doc - i think slow pulse is good - my anx takes mine well over 120 that is not good1 would gladly swap. Just check with doc

24-03-10, 06:35
hi ,thanks for replying,im 45 next week,i dont do actual excercise but i have always been active and , having 3 sons ,the youngest being only 2,i did mention it to the docs last time i was there and they were oh its fine because when i am busy about the house it goes up as is should,this whole pulse thing started last boxing day,id been up my friends had 3 cans lager ,when we got home i ran upstairs to the loo and my heart was racing as it has before when ive run up stairs and for some mad reason i decided get my blood pressure monitor out omg my pulse was 130 and my blood pressure was 145/95 so off i goes into a mad panic then ,my partner finally calmed me down and bp and pulse came down but i cant stop checking either since,its mad cos one week im totally focusing on my pulse then the next week i can leave the pulse and its the blood pressure,my bp sits nicely most the time about 117/74 to 130/85 ,i take my bp tablet in afternoon so i check my bp before and if its 117/74 ish then i panic incase if i take my tablet it goes to low(i take ramipril 2.5mg have been for about 10 yrs apart from when i was preg with my boys)i mentioned this to the doc and she was ohh well if u feel ill and your bp is low we will look into it,and i alsi get palpatations chucked in every now and then too ,i really try to stop checking ,ive checked it this morn and bp is 121/81 and pulse is 71bpm so in my mindthats ok so i wont have to check again for couple hours,if pulse was 60 id be checking again every 20 mins or so,im tired of all this checking, sorry for the long winded reply

24-03-10, 06:54
just to add ,soon i start feel my anxiety kicking in if my pulse around the 60 mark then up goes my blood pressurem, had a stressy afternoon with it yesterday,it was 140/90 but did come down after about 15 mins or so,but its all i can think of and i kno soon its up a bit ill stress and it goes up even more,when i was at a and e for ectopics ,all tests were ok,my pulse was 107,so he decided sent me cardiologist(,that was 4 weeks ago and ive not had appointment yet)to make sure was no underlying cause apart from anxiety for making my pulse be at that rate,i was trying to explain that its normally on the low side and ite me making it beat fast,he told me to cut out caffeine,so for last 4 weeks i been on the decaff,, i been wondering could this maybe be why my pulse is now hitting the low 60s instead of upper 60s ,:noangel:

24-03-10, 18:38
Hi Cornish, just wanted to say hello and welcome to the site xxx

24-03-10, 20:27
thank s for the welcome:D