View Full Version : Now I'm Scared

23-03-10, 16:41
I suffer from agraphobia, panic attacks, general anxiety and health anxiety. I have been bad now for around a year, been to the doctors loads and loads of times, tried quite a few anti depressants but couldn't handle the side effects.
Ive been to the doctors today and I feel so tired, my heart is constantly racing, chest pain difficulty breathing and constant dizziness. burning sensation in my head, daily headaches and migraines and every time i stand i am visible swaying and rocking from side to side. (omg im a mess)
i have had an mri of my ears done which came back normal.
My heart rate was 118 bpm which it stays at this most of the time occasionally it goes down to around 90-100, which worries me.
Now doctor is sending me to a general medicine doctor (dont know what one is)
I generally feel ill every single day.
Does anyone else have all these symptoms alot?
Thank you for reading

23-03-10, 16:49
forgot to add, I have to wait 5 weeks for the appointment though, I am worked up already. Dont know how Im going to get through the next 5 weeks worrying

23-03-10, 18:31
aww hun im sorry ur feeling this way ur symptoms r identical to mine an proberly alot others on here but the trouble with us is they scare us soo much its hard to belive that anxiety and the nervous system can cause us so many nasty problems im currently in a state myself an docs jus say its anxiety an have put me on beta blockers an anti ds but currently makin me feel worse becos they take at least 2/3wks to kick in properly to our bodies!!i knw how u r feeling its horrible ,are u n any meds? i knw there not the answer but they do help and give some relief frm it all.im not sure wht that doctor is ur seeing soon?never heard of it maybe its a specialist of sum kind? not too sure but i wudnt worry you will b alright im sure an if your being refered to someone who may help you becos these doctors jus dnt understand people like us its hard to get them to understand unless they suffer...but like i said im havin the same symptoms breathing issues r worst at the moment seems like i cnt get air and have to keep takin deep breaths,heart feels like its racing an sooo lightheaded allday long but i jus cnt belive its all anxiety i hate feeling so scared too.but we will get through it im sure .try and relax and stay postive best wishes C.XXX

Straw Jacket
23-03-10, 19:01
hi there, I am new here...however I had agrophobia for just over a year and managed to defeat it. I still have anxiety and it can be pretty bad, I found that finding a friend or family member who would go out with you in the first couple of weeks helps immensely. And after reading these forums it is clear that you are not alone. I did have all the symptoms you describe and still get some of them.
Stick in there, you WILL defeat it.

24-03-10, 04:23
If we remember yesterday, tomorrow will be the same as today!:winks:

If you went back in time to before your panics began and someone asked you if you had any problem going out, you'd say no and just be getting on with doing the things you want to. You wouldn't think about suffering a panic because you wouldn't even know what one is!

Once they start though, they become all you think of before you attempt to go out every day because the fear created by the first attack has been left as an imprint that you keep replaying like a video. Thereafter, every time you "think" about going out, the video starts running so that as soon as you step outside the door the panics and associated symptoms keep repeating themselves.

In other words, after the first panic has occurred, panics often then re-occur because the fear the original panic left behind makes us "worry" which then creates the future ones.

I sometimes think of panics like "blanking a tape" to stop it re-running every day. As Straw says, it certainly helps to get the right support to provide the first steps to ovrcome the fear of them.

Ultimately, when you can re-train your mind into not worrying about panics before you go out because you've proved to yourself they can't actually harm you, they DO stop because you stop thinking about them. That day then becomes tomorrow and all the bad yesterdays are then over-written and forgotten because the tape will no longer be replaying.:hugs:

24-03-10, 05:42
Hi, I have all of the same symptoms. I go through ups and downs where I will sometimes only have one or 2 or none of them and sometimes I will have all of them for weeks straight. You are not alone in this, try not to let the symptoms get you down too much.. remember that you have come this far with them, they are not going to stop you now. keep your head up and stay stong

27-03-10, 12:31
thank you all so much for your replies, I just feel so tired all the time, I went into Asda this morning and dont know how I managed to get round but I did, my legs where just all over the place couldnt walk straight and difficult to walk, it is hard to believe this is anxiety, my muscles in my neck shoulders back and jaw are so sore with tension, does anyone this the difficulty walking could be down to the muscle tension, or have any tips on how to relieve it.
Thank you
Ann x

27-03-10, 13:27
Hi Ann,
I get achey legs, back, chest etc and things I find that help are lovely warm bubble baths with some relaxing music - I've got one of those chill out cds which is actually really good.
I also try to get my other half to give me massages before bed - using lavendar massage oil or Lush do a really nice citrus massage bar and it helps me sleep too.
I try to go walking a lot - maybe 3 or 4 miles a day around the local park as the exercise makes me feel good and then it feels like I'm tired for a reason, rather than just feeling exhausted from anxiety.
I hope you're feeling better soon, I know what you mean about feeling like your legs won't hold you and just feeling a bit detached -sometimes I feel like my body moves faster than my head can keep up with it - if that makes sense!?