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View Full Version : How to NOT worry about Health - Help.

13-01-06, 15:46
Since, we are all pretty much in the same boat. What works for you all when you start obsessing about your health, what takes your mind off it or helps you realize your fears are irrational?


14-01-06, 00:02
would love to know the answers to this one still struggling . books help me at times like dale carnegie how to stop worrying and enjoy life. some of it not helpful but other bits are. trying to get me some faith too. trying to put my worries to a higher thing. also have a few books on hypocondria comical ones that make me smile and not so alone. also many famous health worriers like florence nightingal who did all her work from her bed and had to wait til she was 90 b4 she was proven right. many more famous health worriers who had to wait til old age b4 proven right ask me for more if you are interested. hope you r staying positive i know it is hard. jackie

15-01-06, 04:07
Here is what I learned in CBT (behavior therapy). When you have a thought that scares you and makes you anxious... write down that thought. I'll use one of mine as an example... Fear of dying and leaving children. (this thought could be brought on by even leg pain!!) Then what feelings... fear, anxiety. Then rate them... well... fear 50% and anxiety 100%. Then write what supports this feeling... people do die young and leave thier children... Then write things that contradict this... i'm healthy and have no health problems... and even if i did die... they would have a good family to support them unlike me.... then rate your feelings... fear 25% anxiety 40%. I find that writing it on paper and evaluating it and making a positive spin on it really can be calming. I hope I've done all the steps right! It's been a couple of months since I've had to do it... but that has helped me alot!
Good luck and feel better soon!!!:D

15-01-06, 12:25
i try to use the claire weekes mantra - it's something like 'accept the feelings, float, let time pass'.
i really recommend her books for overcoming anxiety.
henri x