View Full Version : My coping strategy

23-03-10, 20:05
I've found something which helps. If you're like me you have constant symptoms and symptoms which come and go. This week I'm short of breath and have stomach aches, last week chest pains, week before severe head pains, nosebleeds, week before eye twitching. There's always something.

What I've found helps is instead of thinking about what's wrong with me, thinking what's not wrong with me, eg I may be short of breath all the time at the moment but last week I had chest pains and was convinced it was a heart attack, now I'm focusing on being short of breath I just realised I'm not having chest pains any more. Nor am I having head pangs which I was convinced was a stroke. My eye is not twitching either.

By doing this it is really making me feel better. I suggest you try it.

andrea thompson
23-03-10, 20:19
hi hon...

i will try that thanks... anything to reassure myself that its not too serious!!!!

cheers hon x x

23-03-10, 20:36
I did that inadvertently last year- spent the entire Summer worrying a few headaches and general aches and pains were lymphoma and god knows what else and it wasn't going away. Then I hurt my back cleaning the bath- sciatic nerve city- and all of a sudden the headaches and related HA disappeared as I concentrated on my real pain. Mad though is sounds, I think I kind of enjoyed the back pain- I knew 100% it was real pain caused by an injury rather than an (imaginary?) tumour.

Wish I could employ your strategy at will -I will certainly be giving it a try xx