View Full Version : Just had worse attack of palps EVER! So frightened! Could use some help...

23-03-10, 21:30
Hi guys, I feel bad for posting so soon after my sinus worries but I could really use some reassurance at the moment. I'm so scared :weep:

For the past week or so my palpitations have gotten worse & they seem to be mostly provoked by bending over lately...beforehand I bent over to stroke one of my cats & I got a HORRIBLE palpitation that felt like a load of thuds together! Then there were a few hard pounds like my heart was racing! It felt like it'd caught in my throught & like I was choking & couldn't breathe! :( Then I got a hot, prickly rush right through my body & I felt like I was gonna pass out :weep:

I've been crying & terrified ever since...Now I've got a painful arm & hand & my chest feels tight & sore :( & I'm so scared of it happening again!

There's loads of things that's running through my mind at the moment as to what's causing it...
- I seem to be fighting a sinus infection, I'm on co-amoxiclav for it, could this be a reason? I've also been worrying about it through my health anxiety...
- I'm currently on my period & because of having PCOS/hormones my anxiety seems to get worse during this time...
- I saw my therapist for the first time today which I was abit nervous about..
- When I've been getting up from sitting to standing lately I've been getting a throbbing pain in my head with light-headedness & I'm now convinced that this is a sign that it IS my heart.
These palps are kind of confirming my fears & I'm SO worried that I'm gonna end up in the A&E tonight & that's my worst fear...well, apart from having a heart attack & dropping dead! :weep:
I think this is it now...

Any info would really be appreciated guys, thank you...

23-03-10, 23:33
Hi There

I would suggest getting your doctor to check your Blood Pressure and get some blood tests done. It sounds like what you're going through is very scary. I sometimes have palpitations but they're normally induced by a panic attack. As for pins and needles that's a pretty standard syptom for me as well during panic. Do you have a tranquiliser you can take just to get you through the night?

Take care of you


24-03-10, 00:25
i think its important that you undertsand what is happening to your body.
try reading the symtoms page at the left hamd side.

i was struggling this morning and after i read that i felt a bit chilled out, once that feeling of relax comes try and thrive on it...even if its just for a few minutes.

do u do breathing exercises ?

24-03-10, 00:46
hey, I had the worst hear palpitations yesterday and was so freaked out.
a lot of the time i think the palpitations are setting off the anxiety!

I have heard that bending or sitting down can help heart palpitations but I guess that can make them worse too.

the hot rush you got might be just your body shooting off adrenaline, i get that too and its not nice.

Its that time of month for me and I really notice how jumpy and anxious I am. Pretty sure it's the hormones. sorry to hear you have pcos :-(

I've never noticed antibiotics making palps worse but I do know PMS and being ill or tired or having a headach makes them much worse.

I often get head rush from standing up but I think with you since you get a headach too it's the sinus infection that is causing it.

yesterday when my palps were very bad I though I would end up in the ER too. I was in a right state.

I find that trying to be logical helps, try and see everything turning out well.
what happens when we are anxious we imagine the worst and that makes us more anxious.

after I have written a post and then later when i calm down I feel so silly and wonder how i got my self so worked up.

5 minutes ago I was pretty calm and now I'm all anxious again!

hoping your ok x x

are you on your own or do you have someone there for company?