View Full Version : This is Frankie

13-01-06, 16:05
My problem is self analysis and excessive guilt and morbid introspection...or so the doctor says anyway.

Incidents from the past plague my mind and never seem to let go. I had a beautiful dog as a young man, well 16 when I got him, and loved him to bits yet did some cruel things to him, I continually go back to those events, not willingly I might add and the fear, self loathing and disgust feelings rise up. I thought it was OCD but my doctor reckons its morbid preoccupation which has now sort of established itself.

I also bullied others, being insecure myself, and even now when I see people I was in school with, I think you bullied him, he probably hates you, I remeber one boy I used to kick under the table and one day his mother brought him into school and I was cained for doing it, I still remember these events like being cruel to my dog it fells like i am being punished

Why the heck are our minds so bloody fertile grounds for fear and self loathing? She has prescribed Clomipramine and told me , quite surprisingly, not to read too much on my problems and mental health subject matter but to keep taking the tablets!!!!!

13-01-06, 17:33
Hi Frankie,

I think you may have half-guessed yourself that the tablets are only a patch, and that your thoughts will still be there.

I think you ought to push your doctor for a referral for some kind of therapy - either CBT or psychotherapy.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

13-01-06, 17:55
Hi Frankie, I think, like Ray says if you could get a referral and talk about these issues it would help ease the guilt.
You were a child at the time of bullying etc and its now time to look and move forward, easier said than done I know. Take care.xxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

13-01-06, 21:00
Hi Frankie,

Just wanted to ditto what Ray and Alexis have said. There is always a reason for bullying, often as you said insecurity on the bullies part. It's a long time ago now and it is hard to let it go but that's what you have to do to move on.

It would be a good idea to go back and discuss further options, not just tablets.

I hope you are able to move past this. Take care.

Tammy x

13-01-06, 21:03
Hi Frankie,

Like yourself I am on Clomipramine tablets on a day.
Like yourself I also live in the past of different events that have happend to me and also people who I loved who have dies.
My pyscologist says I have a ocd/psychic side.

Tall dark and mysterious was his name,
magic love and money was his game.

Beauty is a real thing, not just a reflection in the mirror

13-01-06, 22:01
thanks all, gonna try and learn some cognative techniques from a booklet I have