View Full Version : Hi

23-03-10, 22:35
My name is Kerry and I've always felt like a total mental case :wacko: I'm not sure what's wrong with me but my doctor has referred me a to a psyciatrist (sp?). So maybe I'll finally get some answers...

I'm seventeen and from Ireland :yesyes:

23-03-10, 22:39
Hi Kerry-123

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-03-10, 16:59
Hi Kerry,

You are not alone we are all in the same boat on here. I found the site by accident and sooooo glad I did it has been a life saver for me over the past couple of months. The people on here are really kind, caring and helpful and you can say anything there is usually someone who knows hows you are feeling etc and can offer advice.

Good luck
