View Full Version : worried sick of misscarrying!!

24-03-10, 10:07
hi,im so woried at the moment,i feel my heart is going to break,i had a late misscarriage last may at 23wks which totaly broke my heart,me and my partner wanted to try 4 another baby then in nov i found out i was pregnant again which i was over the moon about,yesterday i went for a scan at 16 wks just to check that everything is going ok and the doc said my baby is fine and as got a heartbeat but he also said that it looked like my cervix was slightly open a bit more tha usual ,at that moment i was so scared coz that is wot happened last time then only a few days later i went into early labour,im just so scared this is happening again now,i just cudnt go through this pain again ,im trying to be possitive but its so hard,i just wanted some advice really as im going out my head with worry x

24-03-10, 10:13
Hi Kaz,
I'm so sorry about what happened with your wee baby last year. That must have been very traumatic. Congratulations for this pregnancy. I think they'd have suggested some sort of treatment if they thought there was any danger to the baby this time? I know that there are procedures they can carry out for this type of problem. It sounds like they think you will be okay. I know it must be so difficult not to worry after your previous experience, but remember that it doesn't need to happen again. You could and hopefully will go on to have a lovely bouncing baby at the end of it!! I really hope so:hugs:
Myra x

24-03-10, 10:16
Hi Kaz

I am so very sorry to hear that you went through the absolutely heartbreaking pain of losing your baby.

I can imagine what hell you must be going through now with the worry of what the doctor told you.
If he didn't suggest you do anything then he must be confident that all will be ok. It's silly of me to say "don't worry" of course you are going to worry, who wouldn't. But please try not to let it take over the enjoyment of looking forward to your little one.
Can you not go to your doctor and explain your worries? maybe then he/she may put your mind at rest.
This is very difficult for me to say because of what you have been through and probably dificult for you to read but there have been many ladies who have sadly miscarried and have gone on to have lovely healthy babies after.
You're doing well to try and stay positive, you look after yourself and don't let this worry drag you down.
Like i said try and talk to a doc just to put your mind at rest.
Thinking of you

24-03-10, 10:33
hi & thanx for replying,sorry i 4got the main bit out before,the doc put me a stich in my cervix at 13wks so it will try to prevent me avin this baby early,so the stich will help keep my cervix strong,but he also said when i went for the scan yesterday that basically if or wen my stich ever came apart or burst open then i wud av my baby more or less straight away,so this baby is hanging in there by this stich really,which everyday day now is a bonus but im terrified at the same time,im trying to keep calm and stay possitive but its so hard knowing what each day will bring,im even getting panic attacks now with the worry.

24-03-10, 10:45
wow thats sounds awful , hope the procedure wasn't too uncomfortable.
I hope everything goes ok.
it must be so hard on you :-(

24-03-10, 11:03
Hi Kaz

My only advice to you in try and get plently of rest and have you ever tried breathing techniques for relaxation? I had bad anxiety when I was pregnant and this helped me calm down. Lie down when its nice and quiet and get comfy, slowly breathe through your nose as far as you can then breathe out slowly through your mouth saying 'calm' or 'relax' as you do so. Try and do this twice a day for around 10 minutes and it will bring your stress levels down.

All the very best with the pregnancy.

Jools x

24-03-10, 11:15
Hi Kaz,
After suffering miscarriages my mum had to get stitches for the same problem and went on to him both me and my brother. That's great that you've already had this done and I'm sure this will really help you with this pregnancy. As I said before I know it's difficult not to worry. I think most people who are pregnant worry through the whole pregnancy anyway, so you are not alone, and even more so in your case after your last experience. Just look after yourself and take care.
Myra x:hugs:

24-03-10, 12:15
thanx so much for your replies they mean a lot to me,i will try not to worry and its gud to hear that im not the only one to go through this and that sum1 else has been here,ive just got take each day as it comes now xx

24-03-10, 13:19
Hi Kaz, It is really hard but try not to spoil this pregnancy by worrying every day. I because an obsessive knicker checker in my pregnancies! I am so pleased that you sent another post saying you have had a cervical stitch. My mother-in-law sadly lost 2 babies until a forward thinking doctor (40 years ago) thought to put a stitch in her cervix - she went on to have my husband and his sister full term and very healthily. You have totally had the best course of action and must try to relax. I'm sure you are doing all the right things by not climbing mountains etc. You will feel even better when you start to feel baby move. Big hugs to you and congrats on this pregnancy. I would love another (have 2) but hubby says no way! xx

24-03-10, 13:40
I also know people who have gone on to have a full term pregnancy with the stitch. Its pretty strong.

I am sorry you've had such a bad experience and of course you are bound to worry. Do try some relaxation tapes.

Good luck, let us know how your pregnancy progresses.