View Full Version : Reducing dosage but shouldn't I feel better than this??

24-03-10, 10:28
Hi all, anyone in the process of withdrawing, please help. I was on 20mg for about 8months, the last 3 months I've been on 15mg. I thought it was just adjusting to the new dosage at first but now I just feel crap again. Anxious, sad, soooooooooo angry all the time. Frustrated, unmotivated and seem to be putting on weight quicker now than when I was on 20mg.

I feel very muddled in my head. I don't know what to do, do I hang in there and stay coming off them. My doctor and I both thought I was ready to start reducing.

I just don't know anymore.

I'm having a really really bad day today, I'm barely keeping it together at work, so no harsh replies please.

24-03-10, 10:40

OK no harsh replies !!
You have my sympathy.

But why are you reducing I wonder?
Maybe you need to stay on 20mg a bit longer?

Time to chat with your gp possibly?

And if things get too hard at work then go home "with a migraine".
It's not far from the truth is it.

Best wishes

24-03-10, 16:32
Hi Saor,

I would definately agree with Martin, you sound like you need to stay on the medication for longer. I certainly wouldn't leave it too long before having a conversation with your GP.

Hope you feel better sonn.

Take care.


24-03-10, 17:03
.... agree with Martin ....

See I knew it would happen one day !

24-03-10, 17:25
See I knew it would happen one day !

Only this once...dont get too excited!!!

24-03-10, 19:55
I agree as well, it sounds to me like you aren't ready to reduce your dose. I don't think discontinuation (not withdrawal) symptoms last 3 months, in most cases it's between 1-7 weeks. 15mg is quite a low dose for depression and anxiety. Why did you decide to reduce your dose?

25-03-10, 09:48
I agree as well, it sounds to me like you aren't ready to reduce your dose. I don't think discontinuation (not withdrawal) symptoms last 3 months, in most cases it's between 1-7 weeks. 15mg is quite a low dose for depression and anxiety. Why did you decide to reduce your dose?

Well I told the doctor the last time I was there that I was feeling good on 20mg, and she knew I didn't want to be on these meds longterm so I told her I was ready to come off them. So she reduced my prescription by 5mg.

Met my clinical psychologist last night, told him how things have been, he said in light of our recent sessions, the anger is coming to the fore from all the unresolved stuff, and stuff that happened that wasn't validated by anyone, he said because we're talking in depth about the incidents now it's only normal for me to be feeling quite frustrated and angry etc.

I think that makes sense, there has alwyas been a lot of anger in me.

25-03-10, 16:07
O.K. Thats good news then???

Take care and good luck with coming off the meds.


25-03-10, 18:28
O.K. Thats good news then???

Take care and good luck with coming off the meds.


Yeah I guess, he doesn't prescribe my meds, my GP does but he sees me all the time so he'd have a better idea than my GP.

Thanks Jo

25-03-10, 21:15
Ì've read tones of stories abut people having a very hard time coming off those meds.
I was on them a short while, so I spent hours researching them.
a lot of people were angry about being prescribed this drug as some people find it very difficult to get off them.

hope it works out for you :-)