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Straw Jacket
24-03-10, 10:39
First of all may I say how glad I am to have found this site, it is very reassuring to know that one is not alone with these problems.

A little background..

I have been suffering with acute anxiety for around 13 years now and have been on antidepressants (citalopram at the moment) on and off for around ten of those years. I was agrophobic for the first year and a half of being diagnosed with acute anxiety. Throughout the years have have been up and down like a yo yo. Every time that I think I have broken free of the anxiety, it changes its symptoms and lures me back in. Anyone else experienced this? Its almost as if it learns when you are close to conquering it and decides to attack in a different way.

I am currently seeing a Psychologist which i find is helpful in some ways. It has been a long thirteen years, I still avoid public transport whenever possible and still hate flying due to the claustrophobic element.

I have been through many stages including self-medicating with alcohol, feels great when your on the up however the next few days I am completely useless and pretty much bedridden. I do still drink although now in moderation, two gin and tonics a night because I enjoy it as oppose to the escape factor.

moving on, agrophobia can be defeated. I did it and if I can do it then anyone can. I find that if I keep myself constantly busy it avoids those "horrible thoughts" I have also learned how to "sit" out most of my panic attacks despite the dizziness, heart rate, shakiness, faintness etc.

I am still not fully recovered, I am making good progress though and learning a lot through the internet and by generally experimenting with techniques. I hope I can share my experiences here and help other people as well as learning more. If anyone wants to send me a message that is absolutely fine.

Thanks for reading

24-03-10, 10:45
Hi Straw Jacket

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-03-10, 11:24
Hello Straw Jacket,
Thanks for telling us your story. Sounds as though are are definitely conquering your anxieties. You described it perfectly when you said it "attacks you in a different way!" I suffered ectopic beats recently, which I had never suffered before, even when I was at my worst many years ago!! It actually amazed me. I'm so much better now though. Anxiety definitely does have a way of getting you from all corners!! You definitely seem to have it all in a nutshell and know the way forward. Well done. You deserve to reach recovery as you sound as though you have put so much effort and understanding into it. And acceptance which is the key!! The public transport and flying thing is a common problem for many people anyway, so I wouldn't beat myself up about that when you've achieved so much. You will encourage lots of others who have been feeling very anxious and low. Thanks again and all the very best.
Myra x