View Full Version : Slavery To Myself!

24-03-10, 10:47
I just need some reassurance from you guys because lately ive been slipping into my old anxious ways again, i just dont understand how i can feel fine and normal and oneday BAM i get an anxiety attack for no reason. I always get these upperabdomen discomfort problems and it feel as if i cant breathe. I constantly feel tired and worn out. I started thinking '' Hey maybe i'm not looking after myself properly'' even if i skip breakfast or lunch my body feels starved and my stomache hurts and i'll feel faint? Is this what my life consists of? Im my own slave, and if i dont do what my body tells me i pay the consiquences. Thats how i feel. I dont dont like it atall. I just never know what to do anymore. I always look ill and tired i have to try avoid mirrors. Everything is a chor. i HAVE to take my anti depressants, i HAVE to take my antibiotics, I HAVE TO GET MORE THAN 7 HOURS SLEEP. I Have to eat every meal. If i dont i feel like crap. Its so STUPID. And it wont go away! I dont want to live like this forever, What the hell do i do?!

24-03-10, 11:02
Press on Ruby :) I know things are hard for you, but this means that in the future, when things are better, you'll be able to appreciate the good times so much more.

Is there another route you could try, to assist the medication you're on? I had CBT for anxiety, which although it didn't 'cure' me, was helpful. Anything's worth a try I think.

Also, I know this is random, but your messages always look very interesting- I love how you use different fonts and colours. They stand out. I can tell you're a creative person.

Hope things pick up for you soon, keep going X

24-03-10, 11:05
Hi Ruby - I can totally relate to this. CBT helped a lot in my case because I learnt that I was so in touch with my body that every ache and pain was magnified etc. For example, everyone has feeling in their tum of food digesting but they are unaware of it. With me I feel it as pain because I am so into my body. There is a meditation rechnique to get you out of your body and focus on the world around you. Another simple thing that worksd for me is distraction - a Suduko puzzle, a run etc. Hope this helps, xx

24-03-10, 11:11
SweetPea, thankyou for your reply you speak a lot of sense :hugs: and your right anything is worth a try im going to try get a weaker dose or ween off of it from the doctor because i dont feel like it is helping anymore. Its strange how you picked up that im creative because thats what i love being, is creative. And i dont want to write my problems and bore people so i try make it worth while for them. :) Thankyou for replying it always means alot to me.

24-03-10, 11:13
busybeingmum, im just like that, every little ache feels huge and my mum has told me i do maginify it, but.. it already feels so big and i dont realise im doing it. I think i should try keep myself busy from my body maybe. Thankyou for your reply :) They always make me feel much Better :yahoo: