View Full Version : Need Reassurance Bad Day

24-03-10, 13:37
Me again posting about my burning skin sensantions, like sunburn. MAinly on my lower body feet, thighs, moves around but generally in that area. It has been happening for a few weeks and totally set off my HA again. Today I am home sick and i feel like it is making me crazy. I have had some good days. But today I have just been analyzing what it feels like and when it is is worse, like if I sit is it worse, if clothes are on it is it worse, and so on. I have been to all my Drs, they think it is anxiety but then again they can not be sure, so neithe can I. AGHHHHHHHHHH Liek i said bad day.

24-03-10, 13:40
i think if you feel so uncomfertable might be best seeing gp

24-03-10, 13:46
I have seen mine and my nuero

24-03-10, 13:47
Only mildly uncomfortable but makes me completely panic which is the big probelm.

24-03-10, 14:28
My left Calf muscle is twitching away like mad at the moment. Not sure why as I have been feeling really good since last Friday. Not sure how much longer I can ignore it before my mind starts to imagine all sorts of nasties

24-03-10, 14:37
Why does anxiety manifest so physically it is what causes my anxiety LOL.

24-03-10, 16:59
Why does anxiety manifest so physically it is what causes my anxiety LOL.

It’s the old Chicken and Egg scenario. What came first, the burning/muscle twitching or the Anxiety.
Having read a few of the posts on here it would appear that your symptoms are by no means unique but I couldn’t tell you why Anxiety would cause a burning feeling in your skin.
I guess the Muscle Twitching that I get you can put down to tension in the muscles, I’ve also gotten pains in my forearms and wrists when I first started to worry.
Its very easy to say “don’t worry about it and it will go away” but when the symptoms are so physically real its very difficult to do that.
Again I remind myself and other people on here that during times where you are busy and focused on something else you probably don’t get any physical symptoms which logically should tell you that its all in the mind.

You are obviously very anxious and worried at the moment so you need to try something to calm down and relax whilst at the same time focus your mind on something.
Try taking up a new hobby, something that you will think of when you are day dreaming instead of “when will I get my next symptom”.

Good luck and take care