View Full Version : Strange Skin Sensations??

24-03-10, 14:03
Like sunburn on going for a few weeks, mostly feet & legs moves around. Went to my Dr & My nuero think it is anxiety ughhhhhhhhh anyone else?

24-03-10, 14:20
Hi hun, yes i have this quite a lot. Sometimes it feels like a frezzing sensation on my skin,as if there is a lump of ice on it!!! Its not nice hun. Have you had any tests done or is your nero happy with his diagnosis? Try not to worry(hard i know) as i found that if i was not thinking about it then i did not have it but as soon as the thoughts crept back in so did the burning sensation, tingling,pins and needles...etc....:ohmy:

Hope i have helped you hun and feel free to pm me if you ever wanna chat. xxx

24-03-10, 14:22
I think lots of people here experience sensations like these. I've had them too in the past. I know everything seems to get blamed on anxiety but it can cause a list of symptoms as long as both of my arms.

Try to not focus on it and see if it diminishes because I bet you if you focus your attention on other things it will.

24-03-10, 14:36
Driving me crazy I have had many many tests(blood, MRIs, CT scans etc) over the past yr and I see why my Drs think it anxiety but i have a very hard time beleiving it ecspecially since I can not get over it. It did begin during the time I started my own business & put our home on the market. \You guys have had this sunburn feeling? Sometimes it does feel cold/hot ecspecially in my feet. My legs usually just feel the sunburn sensations.

24-03-10, 21:14
I think lots of people here experience sensations like these. I've had them too in the past. I know everything seems to get blamed on anxiety but it can cause a list of symptoms as long as both of my arms.

Try to not focus on it and see if it diminishes because I bet you if you focus your attention on other things it will.

Ita...hopefully it's nothing too serious..don't stress yourself out..get blood work done. Keep us posted.

24-03-10, 21:16
Whoops..just saw your latest post..good to hear there's nothing physically wrong with you! Perhaps it is anxiety? Don't let it get to you..you're fine..

24-03-10, 21:24
Thanks just have a hard time understanding that this is doing that to me.