View Full Version : Polish Remover Poison?!

24-03-10, 15:03
Ive just finished doing my nails and i bit of a loose bit of nail from my finger and i can taste nail polish remover in the back of my throat? Im panicking because im thinking its going to poison me im really scared, i gargled mouth wash and coke together because i though the bubbles would fizz the poison out, (I KNOW IM STUPID) now my throat is sore where i could taste the nail polish remover. Im really scared its going to poison and kill me !! HELP

24-03-10, 15:33
Your throat will probably be sore from gargling with coke! With such a small amount of nail polish remover you won't have done any harm. You've just panicked at the thought of it! Don't worry, you'll be fine.
Myra x

24-03-10, 15:35
thankyou Myra, feel a little jittery but im all OK now :)

24-03-10, 15:40
Hi, I have done this a thousand times! I suck my thumb and always forget when I've taken nail polish off and go ahead and suck it!

Small amounts like this will not do anything to you, like Myra said the reason why your throat is sore is because of the coke. Gargling fizzy drinks do that to your throat. Please do not worry xx

24-03-10, 16:58
I'm always doing that, you'll be fine

25-03-10, 08:02
I'm sure you'll be fine x