View Full Version : really scared - advice needed please

Lou 1
24-03-10, 15:18
im not sure if what im experienceing is an effect of anxiety but i will explain and see if anyone can relate to it.

For the past few hours i have been experiencing a really weird sensation in my body.

I am really shaky which is visible on the outside, but also feel very shaky on the inside which of course is not visible.

It feels like my whole body on the inside is twitching and shaking - it almost feels like when your arms goes dead and then you get that warm fuzzy vibrating feeling when the blood comes rushing back - that how it feels all over my body.
My legs and arms also feel really weak and heavy??
Im sooo freaked out about it and thinking it could be some sort of seizure or maybe i have ms.

Has anyone else experienced this or do u think i need to visit the hospital?


Lou 1
24-03-10, 15:48
Sorry for rambling on people - but also does anyone elses anxiety become triggered by external things silly things?

Like sometimes, i will feel fine and then my light might flicker but it sends me into panic mode thinking that my eyes are flickering and im about to pass out of have a seizure.. also if there is a change in the volume on the tv like one min its really loud and then the sound becomes really low all of a sudden i freak out thinking it me thats 'fading' away and loosing conciousness.

I know all of this is really silly, but for me it really triggers my anxiety.. its not just internal things like aches pains or weird sensations.. its external things too..
I really think im insaine. :/

Straw Jacket
24-03-10, 15:53
I know exactly what you mean, fortunately I live with other people so i just ask them if the light flickered or if the sound went funny.If I'm alone in the house i do get a bit panicky..although as soon as i feel that coming on I'll go and clean something,cook or garden..anything to take my mind of it.

I also get the internal shaking thing, however I get it so often that i have just learnt to ignore it now. Hang in there my friend :D

Lou 1
24-03-10, 15:57
Thank you for your response - its nice to know that im not alone.
can anyone else explain what their 'internal shaking' feels like.. does anyones feel like its almost like tiny vibrations?

24-03-10, 15:58
Anxiety can cause all kinds of physical symtoms i once started thinking one side of me was going numb and i was having a stoke! i saw my doctor about this and she said the mind is a very powerful thing it can trigger all kinds of physical symtoms its best to "tune out of it" as soon as she said that...it went away shortly :/

i dont know alot about this but i have suffered from physical symtoms like feelin faint/shaky...Many people have told me if you think you are going mad you are probably not!
People who are going mad do not realise this and i have been though the same thing!
please do not worry feel free to message me x

If you really are worried i will be best to visit your doctor to put your mind at rest just to stop you worrying but to be honest i dont think its anything to worry about!

Lou 1
24-03-10, 16:02
I have visited my gp and all i ever get is anxiety..i had to force her to refer me to a neurologist.. but i dont see one until the 12th April :/

Thank u for ur advice x

24-03-10, 16:37
You have to listen to your docs! She/he knows more than you when it comes to health like i said its anxiety playing tricks on you i know its hard but you have to ignore these doubts they add up to nothing but more anxiety! Good luck xx

Lou 1
24-03-10, 17:28
thanks for the replies :) can anyones relate to this internal feeling and what it feels like?

24-03-10, 17:34
it can feel like electric shocksgoing roud your body,, or like being o a rollercoaster ,the feeling you get inside, i have had allthis and more ,but when they did blood tests found my thyroid was dangeriously low that low it could have been fatel.once i started on meds it started to ease ,now i have anxiety but not the trembles,,i think you should have tyroid blood test done just to check.your tyroid is one of the most importent glamds in your body ,and when its low it caxxxxn make you feel very bad

Lou 1
24-03-10, 19:59
Hi gypsy woman thanks for ur reply.. I had a lot of bloodtests done last month including my thyroid and they were all fine - so now im worrying wondering what could be causing this sensation. xx

24-03-10, 20:28
I know it's not good to Google, but since I suffer from this, I am the Google queen of internal vibrations. So many people have this and no one knows what causes it. It seems to be a benign condition caused by something unknown but not dangerous. Some of the people who posted said they suffered for years. It isn't pleasant, but if it's nothing that is going to kill me, I have to (unfortunately) live with it. It did get a lot better after I decided to accept it.

24-03-10, 20:34
Hi lou, i get this all the time and have done countless threads. I have seen a nero and had mri of neck and head and am waiting for results. I to am told its anxiety :shrug: I hope you feel better soon hun but try not to worry as your not alone. xxxxx

24-03-10, 20:47
Having anxiety is a somewhat a mere serious problem, but if you dont listen to what your doctor had advised you, it's useless to hope that these syndrome will be gone away. Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state characterized by cognitve, somatic, emotional and behavioral components. People having these kind of syndrome need family recognition and love. I hope I help you with that:shades: