View Full Version : Could i be developing schizoprenia? Voices or thoughts?

24-03-10, 15:40
Basically i have started off having bad anxiety and i have seen a phychiatrist about this and she has suggested medication but im only 16 and not sure about this...but it started off when i had a migraine i thought i was going to die of cancer , then it moved onto intrusive thoughts of hurting my familly and children and now it has moved back onto health.

Im scared that i might be developing schizoprenia and im not sure weather to phone my phychologyst and speak to my mum because it might cause more worry...i am not hearing anything like through my ears as if someone is talking to me but everytime i think of a intrusive thought like hurting my mum my mind says "hurt your mum" but these are my thoughts and i sometimes find my brain is having a conversation with itself and i feel like im going crazy, most of the time this happens
"i really love and respect my mum" then
its like "no you dont!!!"
"of course i do , do i?"
This started happening when my PMS started and i got anxious...
These are my thoughts not someone else but its like a negative voice...But this only happens when i think of it. It is like i am thinking up of a voice automatically because i really dont want to.

I hope someone understands i have taken so many schizoprenic tests and they show up 0 i am just so confused and dont know what to do...i really dont want to hurt anyone and dont feel anyone is against me im just scared my mind is telling me to hurt people and have no idea how to talk to someone about it! :(

I read up intrsive thoughts and anxiety is linked with schizoprenia i really dont want to develop this and get locked up!

24-03-10, 16:12
Hello there :D
You don't have to worry! I don't think this is schizophrenia. But I believe that it could be OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I have it as well, and sometimes it goes just like what you described. But you should talk to your doctor about it so he can help you! :D And this is probably stress related as well; you said that it started when your PMS started, and I now how stressful those times can be D: So you don't have to worry; just relax and try to get distracted, then this will stop.:D

Hope you feel better! :hugs:

24-03-10, 16:32
This has started when i get stressed/anxious! but im getting more convinced its nothing big to worry about but i have always worried about unessecary thing i hope you get over this aswell thanks for your help! x

24-03-10, 16:45
I think schizophrenia is a fear lots of us have when suffering from anxiety. I remember, many years ago, being terrified at the thought of it. A friend of mine had schizophrenia and I saw how it affected her. Because we are so suggestable when anxious I was convinced that I'd end up the same. It sounds like your ocd that's making you think these thoughts and the more you try to stop them the more grotesque they get!! If you had schizophrenia then you wouldn't even be aware that your thoughts were strange. They would be so real and part of you. I would agree that your gp can help you with this. There are medications that can help stop these thoughts until you feel a bit stronger again. It's being anxious and very low that brings them on in the first place.
Myra x

24-03-10, 17:18
My ex freind i think is developing it because she is withdrawing herself from everyone and not showing emotions and the worry has rubbed off on me so were on the same boat and thanks for the advice im a bit worried about taking medication because my mum got side effects from meds my phychiatrist recommended i take anti-depressants im glad there are other people who have this fear! :) x

Rachel W
25-03-10, 01:14
Firstly you know that they are thoughts that you are having. Schizophrenia would be voices that you physically here that you believe are real.

It could be OCD (I also have it), but it may just be a mild form - so don't go worrying. I get thoughts that I don't like and are totally out of nature and they come more when I try not to think them. This is common and they are NOT a sign of anything more sinister.

The key to it is not to let them bother you (I know that they can be distressing). Let yourself think them and then let them go. This is the way to stop them being a major part of your life. The key is that you don't like these thoughts and that they disturb you. THAT is the real you, not the thoughts that disturb you.

I advise that you read some of the posts on the OCD forum here. You will see that almost everybody there feels the same way.

If you need to talk more, feel free to PM me! I have been going through this for a long time.

25-03-10, 01:41
Thanks alot im feeling alot calmer and better about this but your right when i occupy my mind they dont come its only when i think or really dont want to think it :(

I thought OCD is when you get obsessive over hygeine (like washing your hands) but i am a very anxious person and do dwell alot on things also feel free to PM me :) x

25-03-10, 02:27
Ohhh right my mum says i do obsess alot aswell is OCD hard to cure and is it a lifetime thing? x

25-03-10, 03:36
No its definitely not a lifetime thing, some of us just have a bigger tendancy to develop obsessive habits. With the right treatment and mindset it can be managed and 'cured'. No worries :)

25-03-10, 03:55
Brilliant! *thumbs up* The only thing is putting it into words to tell the phychologyst so i dont sound like a phycho and they misdiagnose me...if that makes sense like i think im hearing voices...That could sound worrying.x

25-03-10, 06:06
Don't worry about that, psychiatrists are trained exremely well to recognise each and every symptom of each an every disorder. if it makes you feel more comfortable, write out exactly what you want to say before you go so you don't get tongue tied :) I'm sure they won't misdiagnose you.

25-03-10, 18:01
I have spoken to my phychologyst and she says it is all anxiety i have an appointment soon but i feel better after spoken about it

25-03-10, 19:02
You need to talk to someone you trust about this. I think that you should speak to your parents. They will help you. Hang in there. The anxiety is probably making it worse. Be strong and open up about your thoughts.


26-03-10, 02:03
That's great to hear :) see, not crazy at all! It's just the anxiety playing more silly games.