View Full Version : Vision Again

24-03-10, 16:16
Im sorry to ask again but Im really worried again about my vsion. I posted a thread last week about flickering vision and everyone was very nice and supportive but today I just can't stop worrying.
I have really tired, strained eyes and keep seeing all different things in my vision because of it. Does anyone else see like swirling effects if they look at a bright surface? Or sometimes it can be happening out the side of my vision. They arent any different colours or anything and they are only more noticable when I look for them.
Apologies for keep asking the same questions but Im becoming obsessed by this and just want to know Im not completely abnormal! As I feel it. :weep:

24-03-10, 16:23
Hi Meg37,

OMG i left a post also last week about vision. My sight has been driving me crazy lately, anxiety has been sky high. It is really hard to explain but i kind of get sensitive to light, especially car headlights. I feel like i am looking through a gold fish bowl, think a dream and not real! I think there is an anxiety term for this.

The swirls are floaters. They happen to everyone and are harmless. And the reason you are noticing them more is because you are focusing your attention on them, naughty HA!!!

My advice would be to see an optician, i am going to go today just to be sure that all is well, nowaday opticians can diagnoses alot of illnesses as well as poor sight! Bad news is i have to explain what is going on and i know he/she will think i am mad LoL!

PM me anytime you need to chat.

:hugs:for you x

Lou 1
24-03-10, 16:27
Hi sometimes i get flickers and slight flashes around the edges of my eyes, i also have floaters which are annoying too!
Sometimes i find when im looking at the tv, in my peripheral vision i see little movements or clear wavy lines and it looks like things are shaking.. (if that makes sense) i went to my optician and gp but my eyes were ok. Not really sure what causes it other than maybe anxiety.


24-03-10, 17:41
Thanks for your replies :). Im not sure its floaters but I do have them too. I have been to my optician and he was great. I was with him for an hour and he reassured me he would me able to see if I had a tumour or anything sinister like that.
The description of clear wavy lines is exactly like what it is! I guess its just one of them things!

24-03-10, 20:35
I was watching tv earlier and then suddenly noticed the coloured zig zig/swirling lights from corner of my vision.. Ive had this before and I think they can sometimes be silent migraine ( a doc once told me)..can anxiety also cause this ?