View Full Version : Bad cold, racing heart and high blood pressure!!

24-03-10, 17:37

I have had a rotten cold for a week which has now moved into bad sinus pain and a very chesty cough. I tend to wheeze when I have a bad cold so I am on ventolin, becatide and a steroid nose spray. I am also taking lemsips and sinex like it is going out of fashion! I feel really rotten but on top of everything else, I have constant palpitations and my blood pressure is up (160/95 earlier but went down to 134/80 after a rest).

The palpitations and blood pressure and not being able to breathe properly with this cough are making me really anxious so I am gasping for air more and making it worse. Do you think the illness is making my blood pressure go up and my heart race or maybe it is all the drugs I am taking!!

I am so confused and feel so rotten. Anyone have any advice?

25-03-10, 00:22
Your heart rate can go up when your anxious , anxiety can cause so many physical symtoms it sounds like just a common cold and your worrying too much try breathing from your stomach making it go in and out slowly this can help relax you i think its nothing to worry about :) x

25-03-10, 00:53
My understanding about blood pressure, is that high blood pressure is really only an issue when it is chronic. So, I would monitor it. But I do know that when I am ill, with anything, my blood pressure raises slightly. I also know that specifically when I have colds my hear races. I think it has to do with not being able to breath well. Its not dangerous, but it is totally annoying.

25-03-10, 05:30
Hi friends,

I have been last time on this site in September last year.

I was doing fantastic all this time. I have fantastic job and respected by my colleagues.

Last week my both kids got pharingitis, have been on and off bad, Then my son had colics attack maybe because of the medications, and I had to tak him to emergency, that was very stresful and the same day 5 days ago I started having a terrible fever - 39,5 - shakes, flushes, hallucinations...
I certainly simultaneously developed terrible panic attack right in the emerency room with my son.And since that day I am still in the foggy state - in floods of tears, cant breath properly, my husband is annoyed with me because he hates when i am sick. He is actually angry with me and says that I am just looking for sympathy. I still have fever. My daughter is also bad togay with bad allergic cough.

And its my Birthday tomorrow.

I knew that I will open my computer now and will go onle to the nomorepanic and at least write there and it will make me feel better.

I want to say though that until this flu, or infection or whatever it is I was doing great. I actually had my very bad attack last time in April 2009.


I was confident I will collapse.
I was off

25-03-10, 15:21
Hi Marina

I always find that my anxiety levels are so much higher when i am ill. It also must be hard as you have to look after your children who are poorly too because you don't get the chance to rest which is what you really need to do.

Your husband isn't being very sympathetic which must be adding stress to the situation. Instead of complaining, he should be helping out and looking after you. :mad:

Hang in there hun as i am sure you will start to feel better soon.
Try to relax whenever possible.

Thinking of you


25-03-10, 15:38
Thank you Lisa,

Yes my husband is not helping much emotionally,

I can say that my health anxiety is following me. I have injured my leg around 3 weeks ago very badly and couldnt walk, but I have not developed any anxiety.
I am sue that this time it is because of the high fever hallucinations i had when I started this ordeal the first day on Sunday.

I didnt know what to think, i didnt know what was happening to me, i thought I will collapse, i couldnt drive my car.

This what freaked me out and i am feeling now weird non stop because of fever consequences and anxiety. Its sort of mixed now.


25-03-10, 16:01
Hi there, Don't know whether this will help, but Sinex and Lemsips can cause Palpitations in some people. Your blood pressure isn't that high though so I wouldn't worry. xx