View Full Version : Urghh Horrible Day with the Drummer

24-03-10, 17:46
urghh am having a crap afternoon, seemed to start off ok today but the beats have become more persistent and it looks like my little drummer is beating away merrily to his own tune.

I don't suffer as many of you do with hundreds a day - i have a crap day if i get more than 10 if i'm honest but today a couple of different ones have occurred that i think have thrown me and now i'm agitated which i know myself wont help.

1. If ure doing something and ure out of breath ie exerting yourself and you get an extra beat is this dangerous? Today i've been doing stuff and rushing about and well with being overweight i get out of breath easily and twice i've had a mighty thumping extra beat which momentarily stopped me in my tracks ... do others get this ? is this ok ?

2. Some of the beats i have felt today feel like they are coming from my stomach deffo not the heart area is this anxiety or am i self diagnosing lol and thinking it's reflux maybe i dont know i just hate feeling that i'm not in control or not understanding what is going on within my body.

Sometimes i just wish it would stop .. i am sitting here at the pc now and its just happening all the time but at the same time i'm not panicking i'm just very fed up with it and it gets me down.

Anyways i think i feel a little bit better just sharing whats going on with me with you all.


24-03-10, 19:18
I get them in so many different ways...sometimes they feel like they are in my throat, sometimes in my stomach but mostly in my heart area. The bigger ones make me feel a little dizzy for about 20 seconds or so