View Full Version : Hypnotherapy anyone tried it??

Desprate Dan
24-03-10, 19:07
Has anyone tried hypnotherapy for Anxiety and has anyone got any useful infomation on it???


24-03-10, 19:10
What sort of info do you need Dan? I am to start hypnotherapy in April for my sleep problems. This is for four sessions initially and it will be performed by a GP on the NHS.

24-03-10, 19:58
I started hypnotherapy last week. I was a bit dubious at first, but I have found it very relaxing, Just had another session this evening and it was really good. Nothing like you see on the television, which was what made me a bit sceptical, but it is just very relaxing. You don't actually go completely under just feel very heavy and every muscle seems to relax and then the therapist just talks you through certain things and it lasts for about 20 mins and when you open your eyes you just feel that you have woken up from a sleep, although you can hear her all the time. I would definitely recommend it. I too suffer with anxiety/panic and my therapist says that hypnotherapy is one of the best things for both of those. Hope this is of some help to you.

Jannie x x

Desprate Dan
25-03-10, 04:54
What sort of info do you need Dan? I am to start hypnotherapy in April for my sleep problems. This is for four sessions initially and it will be performed by a GP on the NHS.

Didnt know that hypnotherapy was available on the NHS, I am really struggling mostly night time awakenings and unable to go back to sleep terrible dreams. I cant go through live like this any longer i am sick of struggling from day to day.. I will try anything.



26-03-10, 20:49
I had 2 sessions of NLP 10 years ago and found it very helpful to me.

Having anxiety problems again lately so am going to see a well recommended hypnotherapist who also does NLP and EFT.. its well worth a try I think.

27-03-10, 12:31
I am still waiting to start my hypnotherapy. Have been waiting since the end of last year, whenever I have contacted them, they still have no room to fit me in, which I take as a good sign that they are good at their job. Still, it would be nice to get in there and see how I get on, as I am very keen to get my phonophobia (fear of using the telephone) sorted out, it is a major burden. When I do get going I will report back here to let others know how I have got on.