View Full Version : detached

24-03-10, 19:59
hi guys can anyone tell me if they feel kind of detached from whats going off around them its like when people are talking to me im not realy listening to themand its starting to bother me and all so it worries me that i have no interest in anything heaving cbt at the mo and she said what are your interest in life well i have none im interested in nothing

Lou 1
24-03-10, 20:05
Hi Melvin, sorry ur not feeling great. When im anxious i usually get trapped in this state too.. its almost like nothing is real and it like im in a dream, i find it hard to concentrate everything just seems like its in slow motion or like im living in the back of my head. At times like this i also feel like im not interested in anything because it can make me feel pretty down and like i have no energy but, im sure you must be intersted something even if its something small its enough to give you that boost and take you mind off of things.

Lou x