View Full Version : How do you cope when the anxiety's about a physical problem?

24-03-10, 20:03
Hi all, I've suffered 'health anxiety' all my life and I'm not meaning to imply that anyone's condition isn't real... but personally speaking, I usually get upset and scared about some perceived ailment that turns out to be nothing or stress-induced.

However, this time I've got a real problem (which I posted about on the 'throat' board)... I've had some fruit peel stuck in my larynx for over a month, seen docs and ENT who all told me it's 'only vegetable matter' and I have to wait for it to break up and come out on its own.

However, in the meantime my throat is very uncomfortable and the peel seems to get harder and more prickly every day. I feel like I'll never be able to cough it out. Despite reassurances from my doc, I'm still scared and depressed by the situation. The unpredictability factor is really getting to me. Every day I feel I can't cope with it for a single minute longer.

Even if I persuade ENT to see me again (which I'm also scared to do) I would probably have to wait weeks for an appointment.

So my question is, how do you all cope when the anxiety is coming not only from stress, but also from physically intractable discomfort? What are your strategies?

Thank you! xxx

25-03-10, 12:53
Advice, please, anyone? I know this doesn't sound like much but I am desperate... it's even worse today.

25-03-10, 13:16
Ferny, I am really sorry, I've never heard about anything like this. I thought that if something 'got stuck' in your larynx it was removed. I've heard of people having fish bones stuck and they are removed. Were they able to see the actual piece of peel and if they could then how did they say it was stuck ? I am suprised that, after a month, they aren't doing something more for you, as surely that could give you a throat infection. I know this doesn't help much, but perhaps because they are not concerned it means that they have seen this type of scenario before and it resolves itself very easily and safetly ?

25-03-10, 14:49
I wish I knew how to cope.

I wrote ealier on other threads that I am fighting some kind of infection viral or bacterial with sinusis for 4 days already, still have fever, feel terrible and on top of everything I had a very bad panic attack in the first day which left me in foggy mind state, jumpy, upset and feeling low. Well, nobody so far has been interested in my posts, though I really need some support.

I am staying in bed now still have fever though i took the medications today.

My eyes are hurting because the fever was for so long. I have ben to see the doc twice in 4 days. I am on antibiotic now because of sinusis.

Any advise ? any encourangement? I wish it all been over. Because if its not - I technically have reason for my anxiety and panic attacks....on top of that my dauhter is sick as well.

Sorry for humble

25-03-10, 15:19
Sorry you are feeling so rotten hun ,,:hugs:it must be very hard having to look after your Daughter as well ..It can make you feel very anxious and cause panic when you are not well ,,Worrying about your daughter wont help there either ..Your antibiotics will make a big difference and you will start to feel a lot better in 3 days .Drink plenty of fluids and take some painkillers for the temperature .The rest will heal naturally .Try to get plenty of rest as you will get better quicker .This all sounds very normal under the circumstances ,it is all part of suffering with Anxiety ,,it can make you feel so much worse when you arent well ..Sorry you didnt get any replies sooner ..Sometimes it happens plese dont think no one cares ..Hope you both feel better soon luv Sue xx:hugs::hugs:

25-03-10, 15:29
Thank you Sue,

its just feels that is has been so long and weird. I lied in bed form 1,5 day, felt better and after 1 day bad again like all over. That what makes me worry. My daughter doesnt have fever but she caughs terribly.

I hope that like you said in 2 more days I will start feeling better because of antibiotic.

At the moment i have somebodies voice, my head feels terribly congested, i can hardly breath but doc checked my chest and its clear.
So it fever, body aches, congestion everywhere, no appetite and anxiety.

Thanks for listening

25-03-10, 17:40
Hi Thumbalina, sorry to hear you are suffering like this - please look after yourself and try not to get too anxious. The anxiety does make it feel so much worse (I should know).

Carys, they couldn't actually see the peel - I don't know why - but I've spoken to 6 doctors in all - 3 at my GP surgery, one A&E doc, and 2 ENT docs who actually examined me. I don't know why they couldn't help me, but all said the same thing - as long as I can breathe and swallow, and it's only apple peel, I have to wait for it to come out on its own. But it's taking forever to break down.

It's also driving me mad that they would all prefer to believe it's just 'anxiety' or a 'scratch'. It isn't. They wouldn't say that if it was a splinter in my toe!!!

At least my GP believes me, but she remarked that apple peel does take ages to break down. She even phoned the ENT folk for me, but they said there was 'no point' in them seeing me a third time. Meanwhile I don't know how much longer I can bear the symptoms. It can't go on forever, can it? I suppose I need some reassurance that it probably feels worse than it is...

25-03-10, 17:47
After all, six doctors can't be wrong, right? :wacko:

PS Thumbalina, the nice GP I mentioned above gave me some info on panic attacks which (forgive me if you know this already... hmm, this is a panic help site so I'm sure everyone knows!) points out that altho panic attacks feel dreadful, they WILL NOT DO YOU ANY HARM. I found that comforting to know. Feel better soon. :hugs:

25-03-10, 18:19
Ferny, I can see why you find it so distressing. I don't understand how they can say it is apple peel and be so confident if they haven't 'seen it'. When they examined you, what did they actually examine ?

25-03-10, 21:28
Hi Carys - it was me who told them it was apple peel, cos that's what went down the wrong way! It was quite a wide strip and feels like it's kind of 'kinked' or bent in the throat, which is why it can't get out yet. They stuck an endoscope thingy through my nose down into the larynx (twice) but couldn't see it. I don't know why something that feels so large to me should be invisible to their instruments... maybe it was at a funny angle... but I'm still hoping it will cough out soon, because I really don't want another procedure, especially if they STILL can't find it!

I'm not prone to choking on food, it was just a stupid mishap. Serves me right for being careless while eating - and so much for fruit being good for you!

It's not hurting at the moment, hence I'm feeling less panicky. Thank you so much for your concern! xx

25-03-10, 22:32
Do you think that maybe it has caused a large scratch, that can feel like there is something still there. You know if you scratch your throat with a crisp and for hours it feels like there is a piece of crisp still there. I'm sorry you are suffering with this, it would scare me too - I hope the feelings, both physical and emotional subside soon.

26-03-10, 09:13
Hi Ferny,
thanks for encouragement

I know that it can be very uncomfortable with smth getting stuck in you troat. It haooened to me as well. Maybe lots of gardling can help? Maybe driking smoothies, maybe a spoon full of olive oil, anything that smoothes the trhoat?

as for the website, i think you are taking about Joe Barry - Panic away book. It is a fantastic book, it is very very worth the money i paid online.
Joe is a great interpreter.

It helps allot, though you still need to talk to people like yourself when anxiety hits you.

26-03-10, 13:33
Hi Ferny, just reading that last post has made me think that maybe the apple skin did go down and scratched your throat on the way. That's happened to me before and it seems to take ages to heal when it's somewhere moist like your throat. So maybe there's nothing to see and that's why they couldn't find it, I don't mean to be flippant, sorry if it sounds that way, just a thought. I hope you feel better soon.


29-03-10, 13:12
Hi and thank you so much for your replies. Oh, I wish with all my heart it was 'just a scratch' - it would have been long gone by now. The whole point of my post is that I really do still have something stuck. If you (or the docs) could feel it, you would not be in any doubt whatsoever. It finds a new and interestingly uncomfortable place to lodge every day. My only hope is that it will start breaking up and be coughed out very soon beause it is just a new type of hell every day at the moment!

29-03-10, 13:34
Oh you poor thing Ferny, I do hope it goes for you soon. X