View Full Version : Tight/tense throat? Horrible. What will help this?

24-03-10, 20:59
It's normally the first thing I notice when I'm panicky or anxious. And it just makes me automatically go off on auto-pilot and panic more.

That tense feeling in my throat. Like it's holding itself, like before you cry and try to hold it in. I can't control it - and my breathing also goes shallow and ragged.

Please offer any advice? Is this common? Will medications and CBT help with this?
I'm really desperate now. I want to be able to live normally and happy again.

24-03-10, 21:31
Oh gosh, I SO SO know this feeling, it does feel like it is tight and you are about to cry and hold back, but it doesn't go and feels like you are permanently constricted in your throat. I don't know how common it is, but I know that I've had it now and again and it does go once you forget it, but it does make my throat feel a bit sore too and can last for hours. I found what helps is to suck on throat sweets as it does make you swallow normally and relaxes muscles.

02-02-12, 12:10
Hello Carys and Mumble,

I have had this feeling too now for about 6 months. It does go away from time to time, but it won't seem to shift.

Doctor's have prescribed me beta blockers (which I refuse to further take) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Whilst I believe that stress and anxiety can be deeply subconscious and take on a severe physical manifestation, I really don't know how CBT will make this feeling go away!

I think I have always had quite a good coping mechanism when it comes to turning the negative thoughts into positive ones etc. The ONLY thing really getting me down at the moment is my throat!

Anybody else found a good way to deal with it?
