View Full Version : Nueropathy?

24-03-10, 21:21
Talk me throughthis please, i googled cause i am home sick today. I googled my burning legs & feet and I came up with nueropathy although I beleive my nuero said being my age I just would not get it without an underlying reason such as diabetes or thyroid. I was tested for all of that so my Drs beleive anxiety.
I get burning feet or thighs or backside, it moves and I can not figure out the pattern.
I do have anxiety and this has made it worse. So today I am thinking nueropathy? Would that start all over my body at one time?

25-03-10, 04:33
Im not really sure what neuropathy is... But I can tell you that have those symptoms as well. A burning sensation in my feet, hands and sometimes back also. I think anxiety is best understood as a benign malfunction of the nervous system. So, with the udnerstanding that our nerves are involved it totally makes sense that we could experience these sensations. Try to distract yourself as much as possible. If that doesnt work, at least try to remind yourself that other people who definitely have anxiety experience the same symptoms as well.

25-03-10, 12:19
You exp the burning? I can nto stop focusing on it and wondering why it is not passing?

25-03-10, 19:08
Tut Tut, shanlynn, u know googling is bad for you! I have had the burning for about 5 years and i can tell you know that if i sit and think about it i will get it for as long as im thinking about it. I know its hard hun but you have to really try not to think about it as it is nothing to worry about. xxxxx

25-03-10, 19:44
I know I broke the golden rule. So your burning u attribute to anxiety?

26-03-10, 12:26
Yeah that happens to me I will all of a sudden think, my burning is gone and then BAM there it is and my cycle of bad thoughts begin.