View Full Version : introductions

24-03-10, 21:45
my name is Joe and i'm 19. from the ages of 17 and 19 i have abused my body and taken my health for granted, i used i to smoke marijuana on a daily basis and experimented with other substances. it wasn't untill late last year after starting my first year at university that i came across mKat (mephedrone) which i regrettably took at a party. after three nights without sleeping i developed a bad headache which is understandable considering how long it had been since i last slept so i took a mild painkiller, about half an hour later i was sat watching tv as i began to feel strange i felt a hot sensation in my chest and left arm and before i new it i was out of my chair and my heart was racing a mile a minute an i felt as though i was going to collapse at any minute. this subsided after a few minutes and naturally i was terrified after a few more instances like this i tried sleeping again. it was about 4 o'clock in the morning before i decided that something really wasnt right and i contacted the nhs hotline who after hearing my symptons suggested i visit the hospital to check that nothing major was wrong. at the hospital i head and ekg and was told there was nothing wrong with me and that i was having anxiety attacks.
recently i began to feel as if things were improving and stupidly on a couple of occasions smoked a small amount of cannabis which set off more pannick attacks this time worse than before after vowing never to smoke again i am unfortunatly still feeling anxious on a daily basis and having anxiety attacks generally everyday i have not yet been to the dr. for fear of what they'll tell me but i have so many symptons or anxiety that i have come to the conclusion that this is what it must be. i plan a visit to the dr. this week.
i think the worse thing about this situation for me is that i am the cause of it, it is something i have inflicted on myself through both stupidity and immaturity. so if anyone has any advice i would really appreciate it.

24-03-10, 21:46
Hi joemills

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-03-10, 22:02
Hey Joemills,
I'm a newish member on here..... I can relate to your situation totally man..... I too have abused drugs in my life...
When I was 18 and in college I took xtc laced with LSD..... I had the worst nite of my life... I started tripping in the niteclub and freaked out.... I legged it home and spent the next 8 hours in the dark in my room in total fear... I got to sleep some time the next day.... When I woke up I felt fine.... About a wk later the fear came back and I thought I was going to start tripping again..... That fear stayed with me..... I lived with it instead of dealing with it head on....
This site has helped me realise I gotta talk about and get it sorted....
The fact that your on here and going to the Doc is a huge step to beating it..... It's definitly beatable man....
My advise would be to tell the doctor everything..... Thats what they are there for... I did that for the first time last week 11 years on to when I first had the problem..... They have seen/heard it before and will help....
Any questions just ask away....
Good luck and keep us posted...

24-03-10, 23:43
i feel better now i can talk to my friends about it and i'm still trying to work up the courage to tell my parents. i've heard that therapy really helps because it can change the way you think about things, i tried meditating last night and i began to feel as though i was floating out of my body and it scared the s**t out of me so i jumped up and shook it off is this something else any one can relate to should i try again? and i plan to be 100% truthfull with my dr. because i think there will be no point going otherwise. anymore advice would be appreciated....

25-03-10, 12:38
hi joemills

speak to your doc and tell him how you feel and if he can help you get some therapy or counselling then go for it. It really helps to identify what triggers the anxiety and can give you practical things to do when you feel an attack coming on. It also offers a safe environment for you to offload the reasons why you did the drugs in the first place and your inner feelings etc, without any judgements on the part of the therapist.

I have a son your age (by coincidence called Joe) and he admitted to us a year ago that he was smoking weed. We were not outraged, we just did our best to help him out of the nasty situation he was in at the time.
As a parent, I know that we are usually the last people our kids want advice from but they do want our support and unconditional love and reassurance and I'm sure that if you open up to your parents you will get that, and then the doctor and therapist can help you practically.