View Full Version : Hearing things ?!

25-03-10, 00:26
Hi All :)
Just a quick query really... whilst on the whole, I feel a lot less anxious these days, I still have my moments & tonight was one of them!!! I was sitting watching Desperate Housewives with my Mum and in one particular scene, two characters were talking... nothing weird about that. However, whilst watching it, I was convinced I could hear something else... like another mumbled conversation in the background...
At first I tried to be logical thinking maybe there was a tv set playing in the characters' house, but it didn't show anything and when I re-wound the scene to check (I am slightly OCD!!!), I couldn't hear it again, suggesting this was just a one off :S But what was it?! It really freaked me out. :wacko:

It wasn't even like I could pinpoint what the sound was as such... it just sounded like a mumbled conversation or something... like a radio playing in the background or at a distance. It wasn't clear at all. I've tried to be logical, thinking it could easily have been the weather outside as it is raining heavily tonight, or it could have been the fish-tank in the corner of our room which makes a few dodgy noises and has freaked me out on a few occasions :doh: but obviously, as an anxious person, I'm still concerned. My hearing isn't even very good... I've had problems with my Inner Ear and feel like my hearing is dull most days but worrying about this seems to have made me extra-sensitive and now I'm on the look out for every little noise!!!!!!! This has happened a few times recently; just hearing the odd little noise which is often indescribable, but it always worries me. I always worry it means I'm becoming Schitzophrenic.

Does anybody else hear things that aren't there from time to time or am I on my own with this one!?!


25-03-10, 00:51
I went through a phase where I was often hearing things. I also got scared, but I did some research on OCD and it is pretty normal. I dont remember hearing things from the tv... that is almost too logical for me. I was convinced I was hearing voices. It was also like a soft whispering, and I couldnt really understand any actual words or anything. I was convinced I was schizophrenic. Anyway, it did pass...I still get it sometimes when I am overtired, but now I dont freak out as much, and it does go quickly.

25-03-10, 16:33
audatory hallucinations can be a symptom of severe anxiety, and i jump at hearing most sounds myself (like a car door shutting outside or whatever)
you shouldnt worry, schizophrenia is rare and what they would hear would be loud, and persistent-you would be convinced someone was talking.
as i said auditory hallucinations can effect people who live anxiously, ive heard things at night before that couldnt hav been external, and it can be scary and unsettling, but chances are you're not mad! :) you said you had inner ear problems so perhaps that is the cause?

26-03-10, 17:25
i think it is just another symptom of anxiety, ive had it occasionally when ive been very anxious but it doesnt scare me now. I was in a shop once and i could hear a faint giggling sound and it really freaked me out, i was looking round thinking where the hell the noise could be coming from and couldnt figure it out. The next time i was in the shop when i was feeling abit better i heard the noise again and it was coming from one of those kiddy rides you put money in. The point is i think if you are anxious and fear schizophrenia/mental illness you mind is very vulnerable to suggestion and thats probably all that happened with you, the noise happened but it seemed strange to you because you have anxiety and then you started with all the what ifs etc. So try not to worry your not on your own with it.

28-03-10, 02:12
I had and still have this worry to the extreme sometimes its very difficult to let go that im going mad contently.Always the worry that the new Schizophrenia is secretly called anxiety in disguise with only the shrinks knowing the real truth.The label labeling machine is very quick at spiting out labels when theres any mention at all of hearing things or paranoia and those labels always have the dreaded "Schizophrenia" ,"PSYCHOTIC" in big black writing on them in society.

28-03-10, 13:08
I was sitting in my livingroom one afternoon when all of a sudden i heard a church choir! This freaked me right out. But the funny thing is, i live back to back with a church but it hasnt been used in years. Ive also been woken up several times hearing a mans voice saying " ahhhhhhhhhh" :ohmy: