View Full Version : please help

25-03-10, 00:31
hi there to everyone,
i feel like such a loser ending up here but ive nowhere else to go. im so ashamed, i feel like a hyperchondriac. no one knows what is happening to me, i think everyone thinks ive either just disappeared or am busy with my large family.
i have 6 children, the youngest only 10 weeks old and i am drowning in this overwhelming anxiety. the headaches are the worst part. they are there from first thing in the morning and torture me all day till i go to bed varying in intensity throughout the day. im convinced i have a brain tumour or a clot thats about to burst and this then leads to panic attacks which are getting worse and more frequent. im constantly afraid, afraid of my own body and my own mind. the only thing that comforts me is sleep. i sleep loads, particularly during the day.
i just feel so foggy all the time and rarely leave the house now.
i called my doctor who has prescribed me a small dose of propranalol. im hoping it will help but im not overly confident.
im not really helping myself much in many ways. i have some symptoms of a post partum infection that ive not been tested for so am not receiving treatment. this is largely due to the fact i dont get dressed some days and hate the thought of having to go to the surgery. secondly i have cancelled my last 2 appointments with my physio after a minor accident last year. i guess the treatment would help with the headaches but again i hate leaving my house. i dont eat or drink properly, often not eating anything until my evening meal and probably only have 1 to 2 glasses of juice a day. im not stupid and realise all these things will contribute to the physical symptoms but its a cycle im struggling to break. i have no exercise at all because im just so damn tired all the time.
my family is falling apart. im struggling to keep it together for my children and am not enjoying my new baby as i should. my partner and i dont talk at all and he is not aware of what is going on. its hell and i need some help so desperately. any advice will be most welcome.
many thanks, sarah x

25-03-10, 00:32
Hi sarahs

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-03-10, 00:54
Your tired because your not eating very well and the stress is causing the bad headaches you should get help from a phychologyst and i think you must be under stress to have triggered this off anxiety had physical symtoms aswell and people actually are a great help on this forum! :)

eat something easy to eat like porrige or try complan until your appetite comes up x
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